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Dynatrace Associate Exam Topics


Hello All! I am wondering if anyone can confirm whether or not Dynatrace Managed and its related topics are covered in the Dynatrace Associate Exam? Looking at past threads, it appears that it was included at one point. However, there is no mention of it on the official Associate Certification Learning Path pdf document. I know that the SaaS and Managed offerings are diverging more and more, and now have separate documentation.

A related question is which of the "classic" vs "latest" Dynatrace documentation should we be following for study purposes? It seems that Dynatrace is continuing to update at a rapid pace and marking previous offerings as "classic". An example of this are the Metrics pages: - the "classic" version - the "latest" version

They seem to be different enough (the latest version uses Grail) that I am doubtful which to focus on for the exam. The same goes for other classic vs latest options like synthetic monitoring, databases etc.


If anyone could shed some light on this I would be very grateful! Thanks and all the best.


DynaMight Guru
DynaMight Guru


I would say yes, some question about Managed can happen.

For example, how to restart a node, and you need to select correct command line argument.

Best regards

❤️ Emacs ❤️ Vim ❤️ Bash ❤️ Perl

Hi Anton, okay, thanks for the input!


Hi @skothar3 
I passed the new version exam few days ago. I have never worked on managed and I can't remember of a question I couldn't answer because it only applied to managed. 


Hi Gerard, congrats on passing the exam! Thanks for the input, I will focus on the SaaS side of things.

I'm curious how the practical portion went for you? That seems to be a new addition to the exam without much information given about what to expect...

I've had to perform small tasks on the platform, such as making a metric or DQL tile on a notebook or gen3 dashboard or from the data explorer on dashboard classic , checking information on synthetics...
Nothing difficult if you are familiar with the SaaS platform
In the learning path there are some "call to action" sections, you should follow


Very helpful information, thank you so much.

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