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Upgrading easyTravel


We have the Dynatrace easyTravel demo-application running and we need to upgrade it because of security fixes. As far as I can tell there is no upgrade path provided, only a Remove/Install.

I know we have changed some files to configure listen addresses and so on. What files/dirs do I have to backup before the Remove action? And can I simply copy them back after the Install action?


Dynatrace Advisor
Dynatrace Advisor

Hi, As you said, there is no reinstall procedure.  So all files in the easyTravel installation directory will be removed during removing previous easyTravel version. If you changed anything there, you should backup your changes. Usually changes are done in the <et_install_dir>/resources/
In general I recommend to merge your changes instead of simply overwriting files.
Good practice would be to make changes in the <user_home>/.dynaTrace/easyTravel\ 2.0.0/easyTravel/config/ instead of

Thanks Rafal, that was exactly what I was looking for.

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