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Capturing login pop-up during clickpath recording when creating browser monitor




I'm trying to create a browser monitor. However to acccess the website there is a login popup appearing from the top of the page (under the address bar).

The actions in this popup are not captured by the recording extension.

Is there a way to capture that ? 

Or is there a method to send the login credentials another way ? 


Dynatrace Leader
Dynatrace Leader

Yes, you need to add this into the HTTP Authentication section. There's more information here

Synthetic SME and community advocate.

Thanks for the quick response.

It works when play back from the Recorded clipckpath page but not when the clickpath is played by the monitor.


Am I missing something in the setup ?

Dynatrace Leader
Dynatrace Leader

We do find that there are certain types of authentication set up that require the Browser to be opened as a domain user also and that just passing the authentication to the browser is not sufficient. If that is the case, you may need to use a Windows Synthetic-enabled ActiveGate and change the user the Dynatrace Synthetic service logs on as to a domain user. This is not a supported set up though and each time the Activegate is update the setting will need to be re-added. (You can disable auto-update on the ActiveGate to allow you to do this when it suits you)

Synthetic SME and community advocate.

Fortunately the monitor is run from a Windows ActiveGate.

But I'm not sure how to do that part :

@HannahM wrote:

change the user the Dynatrace Synthetic service logs on as to a domain user.


I suppose I won't find that in the documentation.

Dynatrace Leader
Dynatrace Leader

No, it is not a supported method, so there is no Dynatrace documentation. 

If you open service.msc and search for the Dynatrace Synthetic service, right click and select properties. You can then choose the Log On tab and change the user there. If you want to reset it to the default afterwards the username is 'Local Service' and there is no password. 


Synthetic SME and community advocate.

I'll try that thanks

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