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Debugging Browser clickpath monitor script


Hi Folks,

Currently I'm dealing with strange issue for synthetic browser clickpath monitor,

While recording, click on one link opens a report in new tab but during a Playback script stuck on that click and it doesn't open that report at all, in result script get failed.

I tried adding CSS and DOM but none of them helped.

Does someone faced same issue and resolved it successfully. Please guide me on this.



DynaMight Legend
DynaMight Legend

I always had an issue with new tabs and new windows. Ill be interested if anyone has a work around for this.


DynaMight Guru
DynaMight Guru

In your specific case, I don't have any specific idea. Might something that is involved dynamically...

I have had cases where it even worked in recording/Playback, but not on the agents. In that case I was able to verify that it was the site that was reacting differently to my browser, which was more recent than the agent.

I would say that you have to dig into the Developer Tools of Chrome to have a clearer idea. Probably diffing the content to see if anything changes...

Antonio Sousa


Well, I'm able to get this done by adding JavaScript event where JavaScript event click on particular element and that opens a report.

This works perfectly fine in Playback and in auto-run also.

@Chad T. Try this and let me know if that works.
