11 Jul 2023
09:23 AM
- last edited on
12 Jul 2023
07:34 AM
We have hundreds of third party synthetic monitors in our Dynatrace environment. Each third party synthetic monitor is then connected in Dynatrace to an application.
However, as we have so many third party synthetic monitors we want to make sure that all are connected to their respective application in our Dynatrace environment. Otherwise we want to check which third party synthetich monitors are not yet connected so that we can connect them.
Is there a way to quickly get a list of all third party synthetic monitors in Dynatrace and the application(s) they are connected to?
I checked the Dynatrace API, but it seems that for third party synthetics you can only do 'post' and no 'get'...
Any help is highly appreciated!
Solved! Go to Solution.
11 Jul 2023 09:43 AM
Have you tried downloading the list of monitors via GET through the API: https://www.dynatrace.com/support/help/shortlink/api-synthetic-monitors-get-all
02 Oct 2023 04:08 PM
@MartijnA Did the hint from Radek help you?
02 Oct 2023 08:13 PM
@AgataWlodarczyk , partly. I created a python script that reads out the third party synthetics via the API, but the API does not give back all the results correctly. Sometimes it gives me the monitor(s) per application, but sometimes it states that there is no monitor connected to the application while it actually is. I'm still trying to work out why this is happening.
03 Oct 2023
10:15 AM
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09 Oct 2023
10:59 AM
Interesting. What API endpoints are you using @MartijnA ? I can see if I can reproduce it too. Thanks
17 Dec 2023 08:12 PM
Hi @HannahM
One of the synthetic tests we have has the id: EXTERNAL_SYNTHETIC_TEST-9E7269C512A63BFF
/v1/synthetic/monitors not returning information regarding this external monitor or other 3rd party test.
/v1/synthetic/monitors/EXTERNAL_SYNTHETIC_TEST-9E7269C512A63BFF return error :
"path": "monitorId",
"message": "has to be an ME-Identifier",
"parameterLocation": "PATH",
"location": null
Synthetic - Third party entry at Dynatrace Environment API page shows only post entries 🤔
Please advice how can we pull information about 3rd party tests, like attached application for example.
Thanks in advance
19 Dec 2023 10:17 AM
Apologies, I should have gone back and read the whole thread before answering. The
/v1/synthetic/monitors API is just for HTTP and Browser monitors, so I would not expect any data returned for Third Party monitors.
This area would be good for a Product Idea(s). I think the original idea was that customers sent in data for third-party synthetics so would have all the information already, but often companies are large and different teams would like to get the information or someone might leave the company, so being able to retrieve the information from Dynatrace is helpful. The link to the application can only be added in the WebUI though, so this information would always be added manually. So, whilst the information is available in the WebUI having an API for retrieving the information would be helpful.
19 Dec 2023 01:35 PM
Hi @HannahM
No need to apologias! thank you for your confirmation and detailed explanation.
Product idea raised hope it will be approve and develop
Thanks again