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Have an option to monitor REST APIs with payloads in the Dyntrace UI using synthetic monitors

Dynatrace Promoter
Dynatrace Promoter

It would be nice to have the option to include payloads in a Dynatrace Synthetic monitor that is making an API call. It would also be helpful to verify the specific responses returned and generate alerts based on this.

Currently we are able to create a workaround using a clickpath monitor with a custom JavaScript user action. But in order to do this need to hit a dummy page before it executes the API call as a second action.

A good location for this feature in the UI would make sense under advanced settings, since you can specify headers there as well. Preferably something that could also leverage the configuration API.

When an API fails this could disrupt the performance or user experience on an application. Depending on how critical that API is to a transaction process, this failure could impact the bottom line right away.


DynaMight Guru
DynaMight Guru

This is possible if you use HTTP Monitors:

You can add a request body via Set request body and do validation via Response validation.

Dynatrace Certified Master - Dynatrace Partner -

Dynatrace Promoter
Dynatrace Promoter

Hi Patrick,

It looks like this feature is in beta. Do you know in what version it will be available?


No, HTTP Monitors are not a beta feature. You just need an active gate with support enabled for synthetic monitoring, as they are only available from private locations.

It will tell you so when creating a synthetic check though:

Only Browser Monitors from private locations are still in beta.

Dynatrace Certified Master - Dynatrace Partner -

Dynatrace Champion
Dynatrace Champion

I think the first screen shot is just old, because it does say at the top that the feature is still in beta, but the current screen clearly doesn't. I just verified on my own tenant.

Thanks for the hint Dave, now I see where @Kayla B. got it front, I hadn't seen it in the screenshot before.

The screenshot is actually new, not sure why it's shown as beta on it though.

Dynatrace Certified Master - Dynatrace Partner -

Dynatrace Promoter
Dynatrace Promoter
Thanks all! I figured out why it wan't appearing. I was initially selecting GET was testing it out in my tenant, but it does appear for POST requests. It may be a good idea to present the available settings with restrictions (i.e. greyed out). It doesn't appear to be intuitive for all users.

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