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How to record a script in browser Clickpath for multi url/redirects?


I used the browser Clickpath to record a script. My application flow rotates from one window to another and even has multiple time launch and login events after each action completes. 

The scenario is like this: launch -> Login-complete some task1 -> Launch-Login (with a different User) -> complete task2.

When I tried to launch the application a second time I was not able to do that. Tried adding events manually, but it's still not working.


Replay Error: Time exceeded waiting for a page to load completely.


Appreciate it if someone can help with this.




DynaMight Guru
DynaMight Guru


I would separate task 1 and task2 as two different synthetic measurements... Even the number of actions would be the same.

Antonio Sousa

Thanks for response Antonia Sousa.

In my Scenario Task2 depends on Task1 that is the reason we were trying to record a complete flow with one monitor.


Appreciate if you can help on this.


Is there any way that we can launch Application second time and do actions?







Get it, might be some form of Workflow...

I believe you are experiencing problems replaying the script that you created? If so, you will probably have to deal with some specific details associated with your application. Sometimes, it's necessary to put in some Javascript blocks to do the job.

If you can clarify a little bit more what is failing, we are here to help each other 🙂

Antonio Sousa

Thank you.

Yes exactly. I can able to record the script but while replaying when it reaches to second time Launch getting "Time exceeded waiting for a page to load completely" error. and failing replay.


I observe that whatever workflow I recorded on same window working fine with replay. If i use a new tab/window in recording those failing when I replay.


As second Launch is not a continues flow from Application and we are entering url in browser and launching it is giving problem. How can we deal this scenario?




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