03 Feb 2025 07:29 PM
I am trying to report on the availability metric and average performance of a DNS lookup using NAM in my own dashboard. I want to have information similar to what is found in the Synthetic Monitoring App where we can see the DNS metric for a given step. However, I am unable to retrieve using DQL information about the actual DNS server IP Address, I can only get the step id, but I can't lookup information such as what is the actual DNS server's IP used.
Given that the synthetic app itself can show the actual "request" with it's name from the configuation, it probably have access to this information. Would anyone of you know how to get to this information? From DQL? Maybe use javascript? Thanks for your help.
04 Feb 2025 08:14 PM
To put a bit more context into my request, I am trying to put some context into the step I am reporting on by providing the DNS_SERVER information. However, this information is only available via API about the step but not as a dimension when querying the metric. The metric only provides the step id which is an integer... integer which is not present in the api so I can only assume it is an index value of the array. Not really reliable when doing a lookup.
If you know how to work around that, let me know.
description: "Test",
enabled: true,
frequencyMin: 1,
locations: [
modificationTimestamp: 1737741084988,
name: "DNS - Test",
performanceThresholds: { enabled: false, thresholds: undefined },
steps: [
constraints: [ [Object] ],
name: "Azure - Test",
properties: {
requestConfigurations: [ [Object] ],
requestType: "DNS",
targetFilter: null,
targetList: [