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How to schedule to run test once in day (5:00 am) - Web Synthetic monitoring


How to schedule to run test once in day (5:00 am) - Web Synthetic monitoring

We tried to fix the requirement, with workaround we land up creating so many Maintenance windows frame looks this is feature is not properly available , if any one came across / doing this requirment, please share the feedback.



The same requirment is also not available on the Dynatrace Manage - Synthetic Availability /Webcheck feature


@Rajesh C. From what I've seen, that feature is not available for Synthetic Monitoring. The only Solution would be to implement a Maintenance window. You could try this:


1.) Access your Synthetic monitor and click properties and Tag it ( EX: My Monitor)

2.) Set your Synthetic to run every 60 mins from the desired locationsesh

3.) Go into your maintenance windows and create a new Maintenance Window from Midnight to 5am

4.) Select the "All Entities" within the scope, click the filter and select the Tag you just created ( My Monitor)

5.) Select the recurrence to "Daily" and fill out the desired time frames

6.) Select the "Disable problem Detection..."

Do steps 3 - 6 again but change your time frames from 6am till midnight


I have not tested this, but it may prevent the synthetic from running any time after 5am, which would save you licenses. you might need to tweak the time frames to end the maintenance window before 5am (4:50 or so)

Each Synthetic would need 2 Maint. Windows. Name them something useful as well like "*My Monitor Synthetic Prevention - 5AM check - (1/2)*"


Thanks Chad for your details step, We have done same procedure but it is really surprise to schedule simple run once in day so much exercise we have to do it!

I think Dynatrace team should aware of this important feature to include!

Thank You!


Since this is a Dynatrace Synthetic monitoring question (webchecks and not classic synthetic) I moved the question to the Dynatrace Queue. As far as I know we currently do not have the ability to schedule maintenance windows for tests to stop running. instead you could add maintencenw windows for synthetic monitors to stop alerting

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