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Make Synthetic Player smart


When Synthetic plays back the scripts, while there have been any uninformed changes made in the application, the scripts fail. Usually, this is the case with most of us, app folks don't care about the script failure because of the changes they make. Can you make it smarter to recognize the changes made and not let it fail like dumb and notify the admin about it?


DynaMight Legend
DynaMight Legend

Id recommend tossing in a RFE for this 


DynaMight Guru
DynaMight Guru

In reality, it depends on how "clever" your script is. And "lucky". There are cases when an application can be fully "restyled" and a script still work. You can do that in Dynatrace, tweaking how certain actions are done.

Antonio Sousa

Yes, if you are using id's or field names to locate your fields and your Dev team do not change the them then the script will work after changes. It really depends on how your application is written and updated. If your application team update all the field names etc then it would be difficult for any robot to find the correct field without modifying the script. 

Synthetic SME and community advocate.

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