on 15 Mar 2024 12:19 PM
Example dynatracegateway-install.log:
The ActiveGate installer created dtuserag without a password or login ability for security reasons. So, this error should not have occurred in the first place.
A modification has likely been made for the dtuserag, and a possible reason is that the password for dtuserag has expired. The following steps are recommended to resolve the issue.
Note: Please consult the below commands with the Linux Administrator, as the details may differ:
2. The user dtuserag password must not be expired, as a root run:
chage -l dtuserag
The expected response is something like the following:
But it will likely return something like below:
3. Next, use the command:
chage dtuserag
4. (Continuation to Step 3) To set the password as never expired and update the Last Password, change to, for example, 2024-01-30
Please refer to the example screenshot below for the above-specified changes:
verify with changes with:
chage -l dtuserag
The above changes should correct the configuration.
5. Lastly, recheck the command:
su -s /bin/bash dtuser -c 'ls'