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Dynatrace Leader
Dynatrace Leader

Self Service Summary


Dynatrace Synthetic Browser Monitors can be manually or automatically assigned to a RUM Application. In some cases automatic assignment does not occur as expected


Issue Solution Tasks Alternative(s)
Browser monitor not automatically assigned Resolve  injection issues Check injection Manually assign the Browser Monitor


What is Application auto-assignment?

When a Browser Monitor is executed on a page that has RUM injection, the Dynatrace Synthetic Player sees the RUM injection and applies the Application configuration to the Browser Monitor. The benefit of this, over manual assignment, is that, as well as being able to show the Availability in the RUM application, the Browser Monitor sessions will be seen in the Application as made by a Synthetic user, and you can then analyze them using Session Segmentation, and you can see any related traces.

  • Session Segmentation


  • Link from a user action in a user session to a Browser Monitor execution

Clicking on Perform Waterfall Analysis for an action in a Session, will take you to the step in the relevant execution in Synthetic Monitoring

HannahM_1-1735050375646.png  HannahM_2-1735050502252.png

  • Link from a Browser Monitor execution to a user action

The link works in reverse also. Browser Monitor executions link to the relevant User Action in the RUM Application. Clicking on the user action link, a clickable url in blue, will open the relevant User Action details page. 


HannahM_4-1735050719262.png  HannahM_5-1735050779347.png

  • Link to traces from a Browser Monitor

To view traces from a Browser Monitor, open an execution and click on the relevant event. Scroll down to the 'Detailed breakdown' section and click on Traces tile, as shown here



Where a Browser monitor is not showing as automatically assigned to a RUM Application, the following steps can be used to find and resolve the cause. 

  1. Confirm that the page that is being injected is visited by the Browser Monitor.
    Dynatrace Synthetic monitoring will only be able to pick up Application details if pages it visits are injected with RUM.
  2. Confirm that the jsAgent script tag is the first script node on the page.
    This is only a requirement for Synthetic, so RUM injection would still work for Real users even when this is not the case. 

    1. For auto-injected applications, you can add an injection rule to set where the injection is done.
    2. For manually injection applications, you will need to work with the team performing the injection to ensure the jsAgent script tag is the first script loaded. 

  3. If manual injection is being used, confirm that there are not rules to exclude injection of Synthetic executions.
  4. If manual injection is being used, confirm that the jsAgent script filename matches expected format:

    <name>_<featurehash>_<version>.js or <appid>_complete.js
    Synthetic only supports these formats. 
  5. Confirm that the jsAgent is a supported version, using the Application Health check


What if that does not resolve the issue?

If you have resolved any issues highlighted above but are still not seeing any Synthetic sessions in your RUM Application, then please open a chat or Support ticket and provide the following information:

  1. Link to the Browser Monitor in your environment
  2. Link to the RUM Application in your environment
Version history
Last update:
‎10 Jan 2025 03:48 PM
Updated by: