17 Aug 2023 05:12 PM - edited 28 Dec 2023 11:05 AM
By default, Browser Monitors are executed in a Chrome Browser that ignores certficate errors. In some scenarios you may wish for your Browser Monitor to fail if there is a certificate error.
These steps will work for all location types - Public, Private and Cluster.
Go to Synthetic in the Dynatrace menu.
Select Create a synthetic monitor at top right > Create a browser monitor.
On the Configure a browser monitor page, type in the URL you want to monitor and either use the default Name or provide your own.
"ignore-certificate-errors": false
Select Next at the bottom of the page to view the monitor summary.
On the Summary page, you can review and change your configuration (Change URL or name; Change configuration).
At the bottom of the page, select Create browser monitor.
Go to Synthetic in the Dynatrace menu.
Select the browser monitor you want to configure.
Select Edit from the quick links to go to monitor settings. Alternatively, you can go to the Synthetic monitors page, select the checkbox next to the monitor you want to edit, and select Edit at the bottom of the page.
"ignore-certificate-errors": false
If you would like to be warned in advance of the certificate's expiry, you can use the HTTP Monitor SSL Certificate expiry option.
I confess I'm a little bit confused here, and not what I was expecting: by default, a Chrome Browser does not ignore cert errors, but indeed tries that the user not proceed to a site with an invalid cert.
This implies that sites with a self-signed, invalid CA or whatever invalid cert may be out there, do not give an error by default in browser monitors?
Thanks for the clarification. If asked before, I would certainly not have said it worked this way 😁 But I do understand why it's done this way...