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Dynatrace Leader
Dynatrace Leader

Self Service Summary


For some applications, keyboard actions are needed, such as arrow up, arrow down, arrow left, arrow right, enter, escape etc. 


Issue Solution Tasks Alternative(s)
Keyboard action needed Use Keydown & keyup events Find key codes & use snippet create ticket if that doesn't work


Where an application needs a keyboard button to be pressed, we can use a JavaScript event to perform this.

  1. Find the key code needed
    The example is using F7, which is keycode 39. Key codes can be found here: 
  2. Confirm is a specific element is needed or if the click is anywhere on the page. 

    1. If the keypress is not related to a specific element, you can use 'body' for the input 
      var input = document.querySelector("body");​
    2. If the keypress is related to a specific element 
      1. Go to the relevant page on Chrome browser

      2. Right click on the element which you want to interact with on the page-> Inspect the element which will open the developer tools



      3. Right click on the element on the Web developer tools - > Copy - > Copy JS path


      4. Update the input variable with the selector you have just copied 

        var input = document.querySelector("#yourSelector");​
  3. Update the following snippet to use your 
    var parameters1 = {isTrusted: true, altKey: false, bubbles: true, cancelBubble: false, cancelable: true, charCode: 0, code: "F7", composed: true, ctrlKey: false, defaultPrevented: true, detail: 0, eventPhase: 0, isComposing: false, key: "F7", keyCode: 118, location: 0, metaKey: false, repeat: false, returnValue: false, shiftKey: false, which: 118};
    var parameters2 = { isTrusted: true, altKey: false, bubbles: true, cancelBubble: false, cancelable: true, charCode: 0, code: "F7", composed: true, ctrlKey: false, defaultPrevented: false, detail: 0, eventPhase: 0, isComposing: false, key: "F7", keyCode: 118, location: 0, metaKey: false, repeat: false, returnValue: true, shiftKey: false, which: 118};
    var input = document.querySelector("#yourSelector");
    input.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent("keydown", parameters1));
    input.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent("keyup", parameters2));​
    You will need to update the following:
    key to be the key you want to press
    keyCode and which to be the keyCode you found in step 1
    input to use either "body" or the required selector as found in step 2
  4. Open the monitor you would like to add this action to and Add Synthetic event of type JavaScript. You can then paste in the updated snippet and move the event to the relevant position in the clickpath.
Version history
Last update:
‎20 Feb 2024 08:44 AM
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