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Dynatrace Advisor
Dynatrace Advisor


This article shows initial troubleshooting steps when Session Replay is unavailable. These steps will help you to narrow down the issue and understand which points to check.



When you click Session Replay on the user session page, you cannot start Session Replay with the screenshot like below (message shown on the page may differ).



Troubleshooting steps


1. Check Session Replay is enabled

Go to Application -> Settings -> General settings -> Enablement and cost control.

Make sure Session replay is enabled, and Cost and traffic control is set to 100%.



2. Check prerequisites and technical restrictions

Read through the Prerequisites and Technical restrictions documents and make sure that the monitored application meets the prerequisites and does not use unsupported technologies.


3. Check the JavaScript agent with feature “Q” and a separate one with feature “D”.

  • When Session Replay is disabled, only one ruxitagentjs_* without “Q” is seen.




  • When Session Replay is enabled, two ruxitagentjs_* requests are seen. One has a feature “Q”, and the other has a feature “D”.

Note: If manual injection is used, ruxitagentjs_* with “Q” is not seen in the traffic. In this case, check ruxitagentjs_D* is seen.


When you cannot see ruxitagentjs_* with Q feature, check the RUM JavaScript injection and see if ruxitagetjs_* with Q feature is called.

In case manual injection is used, make sure the injected code is updated.


If you have CDN, you may need to wait before the change is done on CDN.


4. Check the beacon requests.

Session Replay sends two types of beacons, srTe and srBm.

  • srTe beacons are for tracking the events (view, move, click, resize, scroll and input). srTe beacons are text.
  • srBm beacons are for tracking the DOM changes. srBm beacons are binary.

All the Session Replay beacon requests should get 200 response code, and the response body should be started with OK.


When there are firewalls that may block binary content, make sure srBm beacons are allowed to pass as a prerequisite. Otherwise, all srBm beacons have been rejected, and the sessions won't be replayable.

For required firewall settings, refer to Firewall constraints for RUM.


5. Try Session Replay with disabled opt-in mode

Session Replay opt-in mode gives you the freedom to decide which parts of a user session must be recorded and when recording is permitted to begin.

When the opt-in mode is enabled, try to disable opt-in mode. The opt-in mode is configured at Application -> Settings -> General settings -> Data privacy -> Session Replay -> Enable opt-in mode for Session Replay.

If Session Replay is available when the opt-in mode is disabled, make sure dtrum.enableSessionReplay(ignoreCostControl: boolean) method is properly invoked. 
Check Opt-in mode documentation for more details.


The issue may occur for several reasons.

Check the points mentioned in each step and see if this solves the issue.


What's next

When the issue is not solved by the above steps, please collect Fiddler trace or HAR file and contact support.
Version history
Last update:
‎17 Dec 2024 06:53 AM
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