on 01 Dec 2023 01:10 PM
If you get this error after applying the DynaKube custom resource, your Kubernetes API server may be configured with a proxy. You need to exclude https://dynatrace-webhook.dynatrace.svc
from that proxy.
I am getting below error while applying dynakube.yaml file.
Error from server (InternalError): error when creating "dynakube.yaml": Internal error occurred: failed calling webhook "webhook.dynatrace.com": failed to call webhook: Post "https://dynatrace-webhook.dynatrace.svc:443/validate?timeout=10s": context deadline exceeded
I have reviewed firewall egress 8443 port and for ingress 443 & 8443 port on your GKE cluster on both web & app cluster rule is applied kindly help me to know any other alternative to resolve this error.
Hello Experts, @darynakovyrina @Omkar164
I am facing the same issue, Is any workaround/solution available?
Hi, everyone!
re: "undefined" error for x509 certificate check from the comment above by Ashok
The issue was the old webhook deployment that is actually deployed outside of the dynatrace namespace,
resulting in some "leftovers" from the previous Operator version installations
and this was also preventing the new Operator version (0.15.0) from being installed from the Operator Hub.
To resolve the issue, we deleted all the deployed resources using
kubectl/oc delete -f openshift.yaml
Afterwards, the installation was completed successfully.
I hope this helps anyone stumbling into similar issues with the webhook.
Sincerest, Andrew
Hi team,
I am presenting this same error, but I am implementing it for the first time in a kebernetes on premise environment with version v1.30.0, I have already validated permissions at the firewall level on ports 443 and 8443.
Has anyone been able to solve it?