06 Sep 2023 04:15 PM - edited 24 May 2024 03:54 PM
Screenshot Storage:
Dynatrace SaaS (Private Locations - Stores screenshots in S3):
Dynatrace Managed (Public Locations):
Note: Cluster-side screenshot storage is the default for newly created Managed Clusters since version 1.216.
Dynatrace SaaS and Managed (Private Locations):
How to identify issues in the logs:
Look for any errors related to "SCREENSHOT" or "SCREENCAP." These errors are related to taking and storing the screenshots locally on the Virtual User Controller (VUC).
Check for "[SCREENCAP]" errors. These errors occur when uploading the images from the VUC to either S3 or the cluster.
ERROR AwsS3CloudFileManager: [SCREENCAP] Exception caught while uploading file /var/tmp/dynatrace/synthetic/screenshots/ AmazonS3Exception: Forbidden (Service: Amazon S3; Status Code: 403; Error Code: 403 Forbidden…)
ERROR AwsS3CloudFileManager: [SCREENCAP] Exception caught while uploading file /var/tmp/dynatrace/synthetic/screenshots/image.jpeg AmazonS3Exception: URLBlockedServers (Service: Amazon S3; Status Code: 403; Error Code: 403 URLBlockedServers)
Possible solutions:
1 - Proxy needed between the AG and Amazon S3:
Add the proxy connection details to the [synthetic] section of the ActiveGate custom.properties file (which are located in the ActiveGate configuration directory)
[synthetic] proxy-server=<proxy between AG and S3> proxy-port=8080 proxy-user=username proxy-password=password
2 - Proxy not needed:
Add "proxy-non-proxy-hosts" to specify a list of hosts that require communication without proxy.
More information: https://www.dynatrace.com/support/help/shortlink/synthetic-proxy-authentication
3 - Need to separate the S3 and Monitor proxy settings:
Since release 1.227 you can selectively enable proxy for Monitors or S3, by adding the following flags to VUC user.properties (default path /var/lib/dynatrace/synthetic/config/user.properties
com.vuc.proxy.s3.enabled=false com.vuc.proxy.monitor.enabled=true
Restart vuc.service/ Dynatrace Synthetic service after this update.
ERROR AwsS3CloudFileManager: [SCREENCAP] Exception caught while uploading file /var/tmp/dynatrace/synthetic/screenshots/ SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target.
- It usually means that there is a certificate issue when ActiveGate is trying to connect to Dynatrace.
Possible solution:
ERROR AwsS3CloudFileManager: [SCREENCAP] Exception caught while uploading file C:\\ProgramData\\dynatrace\\synthetic\\temp\\synthetic\\screenshots\\image.jpeg to S3 bucket... Proxy Authentication Required (Service: Amazon S3; Status Code: 407; Error Code: 407 Proxy Authentication Required; Request ID: null; S3 Extended Request ID: null; Proxy: <yourproxy>)
- Proxy credentials are needed.
Possible solution:
proxy-user=username proxy-password=password
After saving it, the proxy password will be encrypted. You can then restart the Dynatrace Gateway and Dynatrace Synthetic services.