12 May 2023
10:07 AM
- edited on
12 May 2023
11:10 AM
There are generally two scenarios:
1. OneAgent is freshly installed on the host but it is not showing up in WEB UI
2. OneAgent is already installed but has disappeared from the WEB UI
After getting installed on a host (Linux/Windows/AIX) the OneAgent OS process (OS module of the group of OneAgent processes) tries to connect to the Dynatrace Servers both in the case of Managed as well as SaaS Environment. The collected data on the host is first sent to servers and then from there, data is populated in the WEB UI.
It could happen because of the following two reasons:
1. OneAgentt does not have the correct endpoints of the destination server.
2. OneAgent has the correct endpoints but is not able to communicate with the server.
In case of (1):
Please check if OneAgent has knowledge about your correct endpoints:
The file deployment.conf contains the correct endpoints. This file you will find this under
Linux: /var/lib/dynatrace/oneagent/agent/config
Windows: %PROGRAMDATA%\dynatrace\oneagent\agent\config
Alternatively, you can also use "oneagentctl" utility to check the correct endpoints
Linux or AIX:
./oneagentctl --get-server
.\oneagentctl.exe --get-server
If you think the servers/endpoints are wrong you can use the same "oneagentctl" utility to change to the right one:
./oneagentctl --set-server=https://my-server.com:443 --set-tenant=abc123456 --set-tenant-token=abcdefg123456790 --set-proxy=my-proxy.com --restart-service
.\oneagentctl.exe --set-server=https://my-server.com:443 --set-tenant=abc123456 --set-tenant-token=abcdefg123456790 --set-proxy=my-proxy.com --restart-service
If you have an ActiveGate in between please use port 9999 instead of 443.
In case of (2):
Please check the connection from the host to the server:
# curl -kv https://your_server:443 [In case of direct communication to the server, please change "your_server" accordingly as per your environment]
Output>> Entire HTML content
If you have an ActiveGate in between you should check the connection to the ActiveGate first:
# curl -kv https://your_activegate:9999/rest/state (please change "your_activegate" accordingly as per your environment)
Output>> running
If the troubleshooting did not help please reach out to Dynatrace product/tech Support.
Supportive links:
Thank you for sharing this! I'm sure it will help out many community members.