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Dynatrace Helper
Dynatrace Helper

I have enabled OS services rules on the environment level/host-group/host. However, I am unable to see them in Dynatrace or when using the REST API. I was able to see them before.


OS services are not shown in the UI or returned in the REST API call If the rules are enabled and the service is up and running it could be that a limit is reached for OS service, thus the new ones are not shown anymore. Check if the rules are enabled and if OneAgent actually sees the process as running Raise a support ticket


What can I check before raising a ticket?

On the host where you're expecting to see the OS service, please generate the OneAgent diagnostics from the Dynatrace UI, save it locally, unzip it,  and then further unzip its corresponding archive,

Please navigate to the following path: \\AGENT\<id>\logs\os. Open the fileObservablesSnapshot.json and search for your OS service. If it is not running, please start it up.

If the service is running but not visible in the UI, it is likely that the limit for the type of service has been reached. In this case, we must increase the limit. Please submit a support ticket to request this.


OS service appears to be running, rules are enabled, what should I do next?

Kindly inform us if you have already followed the before mentioned steps when raising the ticket. This will allow us to facilitate a faster resolution of your issue.

Version history
Last update:
‎10 May 2024 07:38 AM
Updated by: