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Dynatrace Helper
Dynatrace Helper

Self Service Summary

There might be a scenario where a certain user is always redirected to use the latest Dynatrace, even when accessing the <environmentID>


In order to fix this behavior, ask the user to navigate to the following URL by replacing <environmentID> with his details and turn off the toggle "Stay on latest Dynatrace"


This works only for the user that's signed in. He will see a picture like the one below

Screenshot 2024-05-21 090237.png


After the toggle is switched, the customer should be able to access <environmentID> and not get redirected anymore to <environmentID>


If you still face issues even after performing these steps, please raise a support ticket and include a detailed description of the steps you have taken to check the issue, as this will help us to investigate it more efficiently.

Version history
Last update:
‎12 Jul 2024 03:21 PM
Updated by: