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Dynatrace Guide
Dynatrace Guide


When adding a remote environment, the error message Verification failed, please check your settings: Constraints violated. is displayed.


To connect your multiple environments, you need to add the remote environment to your current environment. If the connection test is not successful, the message Verification failed, please check your settings: Constraints violated. is displayed, indicating a configuration error. Your environments won't be connected until the connection test is successful.


To resolve the configuration error, verify the following items:

  • Name—this is freeform text, so it doesn't matter for functionality, but check it to make sure you are looking at the right environment.
  • Remote environment URI—copy and paste the contents of this field to a new browser tab and make sure it opens the correct Dynatrace environment.
  • Token—make sure you copied and pasted the entire token to this field. If you have lost this token, you can't go back and copy it again, but you can create a new one and get the token from it.


Version history
Last update:
‎24 Nov 2023 01:53 PM
Updated by: