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Dynatrace Advisor
Dynatrace Advisor

If user action data is missing from your monitored web application, you can perform the following checks in Google Chrome with Chrome DevTools open, and then use Chrome DevTools to verify that certain data exists to see if user action data is captured properly. Select F12 to open Chrome DevTools in Chrome.

  • Make sure the user action triggers network traffic. Open the Network tab in Chrome DevTools, and then clear all requests. Perform the action you would like to check and inspect the action's network traffic. To do this, check the Type column in the Network tab. If there are no xhr or fetch type requests, this is not an action and the RUM JavaScript won't report it. Images and CSS information don't count as xhr or fetch and won't cause an action to be generated. If you see no xhr or fetch requests, use the RUM JavaScript API to manually monitor this action.

  • Make sure the action does not use setTimeout(async). Perform the action you would like to check and use Chrome DevTools to make sure there is an xhr request in the Network tab. If an xhr request exists, hover over the Initiator column in that row and see if there is a line that reads setTimeout(async). If that is the case, see if enabling Timed action support helps capture this action. If this does not work, or if the Initiator contains setInterval(async) or Promise(async), manual instrumentation is necessary. See Missing XHR actions when promises are used for more details.
    The following image shows a typical xhr request in Chrome DevTools, with setTimeout(async) in the initiator data.

  • Make sure the correct modules are activated. Perform the action and use Chrome DevTools to see if the Network tab contains a request with the fetch or xhr type. Enable the correct module—fetch or a more specialized module for fetch, BasicXHR, or a more specialized module for XHR actions.

If XHR actions do not have timing information, check whether the Timing-Allow-Origin HTTP response header is set if your page requests resources from other domains. Otherwise, the browser can't supply the values, and they can't be displayed in the Contributors breakdown chart. If this happens, a message appears in the chart area stating that network and server time can't be calculated because Dynatrace didn't receive W3C resource timings.


Version history
Last update:
‎08 Apr 2024 02:46 PM
Updated by: