11 Mar 2024 11:32 AM - edited 28 Oct 2024 01:32 PM
Troubleshooting steps for when a Synthetic-enabled ActiveGate is running but the Synthetic Engine Status is showing as shutting down. Seen in Deployment Status> ActiveGates
The most common cause of this behaviour is an old version of Chromium. Dynatrace supports Chromium versions that are no more than two versions behind the latest Dynatrace-supported version for a specific ActiveGate release. Chromium can be manually updated using the instructions here.
If Chromium version shows as 80.0.0000.00 then the Synthetic Module in unable to recognise the version, so an update of Chromium version will also be required.
For Ubuntu machines using snap, follow these steps to uninstall and reinstall Chromium (replace the package with the expected version from here)
sudo snap remove chromium
curl --remote-name https://synthetic-packages.s3.amazonaws.com/Chromium/snap/chromium-127.0.6533.88-2923.tgz
tar xzf chromium-127.0.6533.88-2923.tgz
sudo snap ack chromium.assert
sudo chown -R root:root /tmp/snap-private-tmp
sudo snap install --devmode chromium.snap
sudo chown -R dtuserag:dtuserag /tmp/snap-private-tmp
sudo systemctl restart vuc.service (or better restart whole machine)
If SELinux is enabled, reinstall Chromium with the permissive setting.
Check if the Synthetic and ActiveGate major versions match. In the image above they do not.
If the major versions are different, check this article for why the Synthetic module failed to update.
Download the logs from the ActiveGate using the ActiveGate diagnostics feature, otherwise you will need to check on the machine itself. /var/log/dynatrace/synthetic
or %PROGRAMDATA%\dynatrace\synthetic\log
Check the vuc-status.log for DiagnosticResultsHolder
and check if any modules failed to be operational. There are 4 to check multi-protocol, http, httpScript and browser.
Where the module start up is successful, you will see isOperational=true
, e.g.
2024-09-18T01:10:53,190Z [DiagnosticResultsHolder]
browser = `DiagnosticResultsChangedEvent[moduleName=BROWSER, diagnosticCasesResult=DiagnosticCasesResult[isOperational=true, cases={BROWSER_MAIN=DiagnosticCaseDetail[isAvailable=true], BROWSER_FALLBACK=DiagnosticCaseDetail[isAvailable=true]}]]`
And where the module startup is not successful, you will see isOperational=false
, e.g.
2024-09-23T07:40:25,237Z [DiagnosticResultsHolder]
browser = `DiagnosticResultsChangedEvent[moduleName=BROWSER, diagnosticCasesResult=DiagnosticCasesResult[isOperational=false, cases={BROWSER_MAIN=DiagnosticCaseDetail[isAvailable=false]}]]`
Depending on which modules were unable to startup, check the relevant logs for ERRORs and WARNINGS
for HTTP Monitors, vuc-http.log, vuc-http.debug.log and additional log files with stdout/stderr output in executors
for Browser Monitors, vuc-browser.log & vuc-browser.debug.log
Running as root without --no-sandbox is not supported.
then the issue is likely related to the user running the Synthetic Engine. This should be run by dtuserag and not root. Reinstalling the ActiveGate will correct this behaviour.for NAM monitors, vuc-multi.log, vuc-multi.debug.log
check the OS is supported. For instance, we do not support Windows 2012 (R2) and from 1.263 found that this causes the VUC to show this shutting down status. This is due to Google stopping support for Chrome on Windows 2012 (R2) with Chrome 109. https://support.google.com/chrome/a/answer/7100626?hl=en
If none of the previous steps resolved the issue, then open a chat and provide the Support Archive from the ActiveGate the troubleshooting steps you have already completed.
You can find further troubleshooting tips for Synthetic in the Synthetic Troubleshooting Map