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Looking to upgrade from Dynatrace Managed to SaaS? See how

Managed to Saas migration

DynaMight Leader
DynaMight Leader


After reading the documentation, it seems that migrating from Managed to Saas, basically means that you rebuild your environment (s) and redirect the oneAgents. (excluding a lot of other stuff 🙂

Existing observability data can not me migrated from Managed to Saas, and the best you can do is keep a small part of the "old cluster", to show previous data?  

KR Henk


Dynatrace Mentor
Dynatrace Mentor

That is correct, monitoring data cannot be migrated. If you need the old data, you can always either keep it in your managed instance for a bit or export it via API and keep it somewhere else - but your new SaaS cluster is not a good palce where to put it. The most relevant reasons as to why not are that you can only import data 1 hour into the past at maximum (so the imported data from your managed instance would not look correct) and that you can't re-create the entities of your old environment, like services or process group instances - even if they are now monitored in your new environment, you would need to somehow map them (as you only get the ID), which is not, by any means, an easy task. Also, as per the last point, you can't export and import monitored entities from Managed to SaaS.

All in all, your statement is a good summary of what you do in a migration from Managed to SaaS - recreate the configuration (usually by API is the best and fastest way) and re-direct OneAgents, as to not have to re-install them either.

Hi Victor

Perfect answer, also like the added part about the newly created entity id’s. To make the story complete I assume that “redirecting” the oneAgent simply creates a new host on the Saas,

KR Henk


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