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alerts from Unexpected low load with the update of the new version of the one agent


Hola, Me podrian ayudar porque despues de la actualizacion de la version del nuevo agente (Operador OneAgent) en los servicios empiezan a recibir alertas de carga baja inesperada. Muchísimas gracias


Dynatrace Champion
Dynatrace Champion

Hi @yeyelka5,
I am translating the question for you. 

Translated version:

Hello, Could you help me because after the update of the new agent version (OneAgent Operator) in the services they begin to receive unexpected low load alerts. Many thanks.


Love more, hate less; Technology for all, together we grow.

Dynatrace Champion
Dynatrace Champion

To answer the question,
This might happen when there is a baseline change and also you can reset the baseline in settings > anomaly detection > reset period (from 7 days to newer baseline) in specific service settings where you are receiving those alerts from. 

There is an another chance why this is happening. May be services are changed after the update. If the pods in your system are deleted or shifted to other nodes, this also deletes the process and creates as a new one. When this happens old process will become dormant and you see those alerts. Could you please check once that do you have any other similar service created as the impacted service of your problem? If so then you can disable the alerting for that service as this service is no longer will continue in Dynatrace. 

Love more, hate less; Technology for all, together we grow.


Experienced the same issue after an upgrade as well - in our case the Maximum User Action limits were being hit in the environment, resulting in dropped RUM data. In the events section per application, you would see "Max user actions per minute exceeded". 

Here's the doc explaining the behaviour:


In unserem heutigen Projekt haben wir eine einzigartige Verwendung für Koffer gefunden. Statt sie auf dem Dachboden zu verstauen, haben wir sie in ein stilvolles Gartenmöbel umgewandelt. Die Koffer wurden zu gemütlichen Sitzgelegenheiten in unserer neuen Pergola, die von einem robusten Doppelstabmattenzaun umgeben ist.

Thank you for the helpful link. That worked for me!

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