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Retirement of Office 365 connectors within Microsoft Teams Webhook




Hello community, the issue of the withdrawal of the connectors by Microsoft has been addressed soon, that is, the integrations with webhook that Dynatrace uses to send notifications to teams channels will stop working according to this statement.

Do you suddenly have any alternative to avoid stopping these integrations from working?

Retirement of Office 365 connectors within Microsoft Teams


Dynatrace Advisor
Dynatrace Advisor

Hi @JhonU , thanks for reaching out. We are preparing communication to that.

As a teaser:
We are actively working on implementing and testing compatibility to the proposed way of triggering MS Power Automate Workflows as an intermediate step.

We are also pushing the priority of a previously already ideated deeper integration via a MS Teams App.

Stay tuned for more comms on that topic.


Best, Wolfgang

Hello Wolfgang,
any insight on release or preview? 🙂

We have implemented a Power Automate to notify the team Channel (based on DT notification) but we soon realized that doing 1 PowerAutomate to Multiple channel requires more engineering. 

This in interesting , where I work were not allowed web hooks in teams so automate / workflows could be a way forward.  Thank you for sharing.

John Holland

Dynatrace Helper
Dynatrace Helper

Any news from Dynatrace about the compatibility via the MS proposed Power Automate workflow?


Dynatrace Advisor
Dynatrace Advisor

Hi @y_buccellato , our solution is out to use it that way: 
Please provide feedback, how this works out for you.

Hi @wolfgang_heider purely technically I cannot give you immediate quality feedback on which approach is better even thought I already used the DT MS team for workflow and in parallel tested the DT problem notification both with team webhook(old) and Power Automate Webhook (new) and on avg the experience is good thought in any new scenario now we need to put more effort in configuration (compared to problem notification if your scope was just alerting on teams).

For sure the scope for me was always: alerting notification from DT to Teams.
I'll share with you what is happening in my mind: license.

Problem Notification = free > webhook (old)= free
My New set up for one Team channel receiving alerts from DT
Problem Notification = free > Power Automate webhook = free (included in my company plan) but need to customize some here and there

Set up suggested in your post:
WorkFlow = pay cause it exist and need to customize some here and there >  PowerAutomate webhook = free with some customization to be done

So in a nutshell to alert something before everything was straightforward and free of charge, plus no allow/deny rule for external connection.
Now, following suggested approach, I'll pay something to send alert from Dynatrace to Teams.

What would be the benefit for me to go on workflow compared to put Power Automate Webhook in problem notification?
If I pay the money on Workflow Side will this ease my work somehow on alerting? For sure the money spent on workflow cannot "remove or reduce manual effort with automations" cause same automation was working before with webhook+ problem notification for free.

Those are some of my inner thoughts.
I think anyone spinning on this ideas could be resolved if you propose parallel alternative with classic problem notification at no cost.


DynaMight Guru
DynaMight Guru

And how about doing this from Dynatrace Managed?

Antonio Sousa

Your comment links to mine:
as a matter of fact we have two level of issue by importance:

- proposing a solution which ignores Managed Customer (cause workflow is proposed)
 + partial solution to this is: update documentation on how to sent appropriate payload from Problem Notification according to new Microsoft direction.
- proposing a solution that will add cost and complexity in Dynatrace (and overall) configuration.
Instead of: adding cost but removing complexity. Paradox 🙂


For Managed, you should look at this. It works like a charm!

Sorin Z

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