06 Apr 2020 07:20 AM
I am trying to build an automatic self healing CICD pipeline on Azure devops with Dynatrace integration. .
Previously there was an extension(Dynatrace unbreakable pipeline) in Azure marketplace and currently it is not available. Can we get some guidance on how to implement this pipleine ?
Solved! Go to Solution.
18 May 2020 10:40 AM
Hi. The Unbreakable Azure DevOps Pipeline would be something you implement using Keptn. Keptn provides automated Quality Gates which you can call from Azure DevOps. We do have a couple of examples and customers who are using it. I suggest you sign up for our Keptn slack and send the question in the #help channel. We can then connect you with others who have already done the implementation: https://join.slack.com/t/keptn/shared_invite/zt-716xqbhz-w2xUeCpC1AgMMweGOYlPrA
01 Dec 2023 03:49 AM
@andreas_grabner Hi Andi,
Do we have any other process or do i need to go through keptn only. As you post was almost 3:5years back so just wanted to understand if there is any other way to get it done apart from Keptn.
01 Dec 2023 06:26 AM
Hi. You are right. How time flies.
To implement intelligent quality gates and automated release validation the best practice is to use our Site Reliability Guardian (SRG) when you are using Dynatrace SaaS. To learn more about the SRG check out this video => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s3KG4kn-ymY
Are you on SaaS?
02 Dec 2023 12:49 AM
@andreas_grabner Thanks a lot for you reply.
Yes, I am on SaaS, and I went through the SRG last week where it was mentioned that 'templates will be available for the pipeline too.' At this time, there are a few templates related to Kubernetes. However, it would be a great start for me if I can create one from scratch, as that would be a better option than exploring other alternatives.
02 Dec 2023 01:16 AM
@andreas_grabner I have gone through this videos again and it helped me lot. i am able to get required data now. Thanks a lot.
04 Dec 2023 07:13 AM
Thats great to hear. If you dont mind -> want to send a screenshot of one of your SRGs that you created? We are always eager to learn about which objectives people define -> that also helps us with creating new templates for more use cases