[Cloud Integrations] New Service: Azure Database for MySQL Flexible Server 700 Views 0 replies 3 kudos azure clouds databases This thread is pinned
[Cloud Integrations] New Enhancement: Cloud Metric Polling OOTB monitoring 617 Views 0 replies 7 kudos activegate aws azure This thread is pinned
Resolved! Looking at options for collecting metrics data from Azure to on-prem Dynatrace. 752 Views 10 replies 0 kudos azure clouds dynatrace api
BUG: Azure Event Hubs Metric unit wrong for Incoming Bytes (builtin:cloud.azure.eventHub.traffic.bytesIn) 68 Views 0 replies 1 kudos azure
Azure - Dynatrace OneAgent application traces on ASK cluster with confidential compute nodes. 74 Views 0 replies 0 kudos aks azure
Resolved! Azure Automation Account - Missing metrics Hybrid worker Ping 963 Views 3 replies 0 kudos azure
Resolved! Clouds and Azure Classic Subscriptions - Prod and NonProd together 428 Views 2 replies 0 kudos azure clouds
Resolved! Azure App Service Windows automate OneAgent update through ActiveGate 2897 Views 3 replies 1 kudos activegate azure oneagent
Resolved! Azure thick client application monitoring through Dynatrace 456 Views 2 replies 0 kudos azure clouds
Resolved! Azure (AKS/ACR) Diagnostic Setting events/logs 1019 Views 3 replies 0 kudos azure kubernetes logs
Resolved! Dynatrace OneAgent Azure VM extension installation with Terraform 12099 Views 15 replies 0 kudos azure oneagent
Resolved! Command to get Dynatrace operator version on kubernetes clusters 1607 Views 6 replies 0 kudos aws azure google cloud platform
Resolved! START_APP_CMD for Tomcat on Linux App Service 4765 Views 13 replies 1 kudos azure linux tomcat
[Cloud Integrations] New Service: Azure Database for MySQL Flexible Server 700 Views 0 replies 3 kudos azure clouds databases
[Cloud Integrations] New Enhancement: Cloud Metric Polling OOTB monitoring 617 Views 0 replies 7 kudos activegate aws azure
Resolved! Can Azure Tags for Azure Web Apps be imported to Dynatrace? 8749 Views 7 replies 6 kudos azure paas tagging