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License calculation for Azure App Services sharing same service plan

Frequent Guest

Hi All,

just wondering how we should calculate the Host Units required for multiple Azure App Services sharing the same service plan?

For example, if I have 3 App services I need to install OneAgent on, and these App Services are sharing a Service plan with 8 GB of memory, do I need to consider 8 GB for calculation or 24 GB?





hi alaaka


When you deploy the oneagent in the app service this will be deployed on the server where it runs detecting the appservices on it.  if the 3 apps service are sharing the same VM  for the service plan.  this will only detect the 8gb  because only 1 agent will need to be deployed. as far, this have work for me in this way.


some times an app service 1gb and 1.75gb create a service plan by each one so here every app service consume a  0.25 host units. 


even in the demo you can see 2 app service in the same server.






hope it helps

fuelled by coffee and curiosity.

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