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Take the 2024 Rewind Challenge! ‌‌🕰‌

Community Team
Community Team
Welcome back, Dynatrace Community!
It's time for the last Community Challenge in this year! Time is passing so quickly, isn't it? We're slowly reaching towards the end of 2024, what is a perfect time for reflections and summaries. Let's stop for a while and think about the past 12 months just like we did exactly 2 years ago🎆
Share accomplishments, and highlights that made you happy in 2024! What plans were you able to fulfil? What important happened in your lives? What are the greatest memories of the last months? Tell us everything you find important and worth to share!
Benefits of taking Community Challenges!
👉 Every participant receives a unique "2024 Rewind Badge"
👉 You will also get +100 bonus points for extra activity
👉 Engage with others and have fun!
December 2024-2 1.png

Community Team
Community Team

Let me start December's challenge with my top 3 of 2024!


1. I got married 💍

2. I moved back to the region I've lived most of my life as I realized it's the only place I call home 🏡

3. I visited Europe's least visited country, Moldova, and I loved that 🇲🇩


And these are moments that are the most precious in the lifetime.



Congratulations and I can definitely relate with the point no. 2. Still when I visit the place I grew up in, nothing can beat it.


Congratulations @Michal_Gebacki for the wedding, wishing you lead happy and peaceful life.


Dynatrace Guru
Dynatrace Guru

I bought a place in Sweden so I can spend more time with my family and try to build up some old friendships which were lost when I moved to the Netherlands 21 years ago.
I also planned our wedding for next year, which made me realize that anytime the word "wedding" exists together with something else like venue, flowers, dress, reception or music, everything triples in cost...


That's great to hear, keeping my fingers crossed for reconnection with your fellows in Sweden! And speaking of the wedding... That final day is erasing all the preparation stresses, but hope you won't have them too much! 😎

DynaMight Guru
DynaMight Guru

Be close and enjoy moments with family & friends!! :partying_face:
And beach in Summer! 😎🏖

❤️ Emacs ❤️ Vim ❤️ Bash ❤️ Perl

Three pillars of the good year! 😃


Many things marks 2024, but:


- Visited my family in another country.

- Dynatrace pro certified.


Sharing Knowledge

These are milestones that truly matter when we sum up the passing year, congrats!

Dynatrace Leader
Dynatrace Leader

I started on 1st December last year committing to daily step goal of at least 10 000 steps as balance to my office days and was able to reach that every single day for a full year, averaging ~12.5k steps a day - and streak is still ongoing 👣😃
Side-effect was that I did much more walks in fresh air on days where I did do any other sports.


iOS help:

That's impressive! Doing more walks with skipping lifts in favor of stairs were my successfully completed plans already for 2023 and it's great to observe how large impact on the general wellbeing it has!

Although I accomplished the majority ( I had the same target) of them, I must admit that I did not always meet that goal.


Thats really impressive mate, keep it up


Community Team
Community Team

I joined Dynatrace in July :dynatrace: 🚀


Congratulations && Welcome aboard :dynaspin: @GosiaMurawska 👩‍💻

Community Team
Community Team

Well, this year was pretty intense 😁

  • Most importantly - I got engaged and I'm getting married next year 😊
  • I have never traveled so much in my life ever before as this year - US 🇺🇲 (Viva Las Vegas! And no, this was not connected to engagement 😅), France 🇫🇷 (Paris), Italy 🇮🇹 (Napoli and Capri), UK 🇬🇧 (London), Germany 🇩🇪 (Bavaria), and Czechia 🇨🇿 (Prague)
  • The Dynatrace Community grew by a lot! The forum itself by about 50% in terms of views and unique users, and the team itself by one new person (nice to have you with us @GosiaMurawska!). I am incredibly grateful for what we were able to achieve together as a Community.
If you have any questions about the Community, you can contact me at

Community's rapid growth is cherry on the cake for 2024! :dynaspin:

DynaMight Guru
DynaMight Guru

Well, for sure, meeting the Community Team for the first time live in Dynatrace Perform in February was one of the highlights of the year! Hope to see you all soon, in less more than a month!


Antonio Sousa

Next PERFORM is indeed right around the corner, hopefully it's already a strong candidate for the best upcoming memories of the 2025 😉

DynaMight Guru
DynaMight Guru

Started woodworking as a new hobby in 2024, just managed to finish my first project before the year was out: 

PXL_20241201_093052799 (1) (1).jpg

Dynatrace Certified Master - Dynatrace Partner -

Looks great, sophisticated aesthetics! 😎

Beautiful 😊


I like it, you should gift me one 🙂

Sharing Knowledge

DynaMight Leader
DynaMight Leader

Highlight would be obtaining "Community Rock Star Award".  Thanks to Dynatrace for recognizing me.

Other highlight: Getting a snake as a pet (Chopper is his name)


New highlight for Christmas: we are going on a cruise for a week with family and we are so excited.


Dynatrace Certified Professional

A snake sounds like a great one for the next edition of our recurring "show your pet challenge" in the future!

Snake as a pet really made me read it again 😂


Dynatrace Helper
Dynatrace Helper

Hi Community,

Well, I have a bit the same as some posts here:

- I got married and had an amazing honeymoon in Mexico.

- I restarted an old hobby of painting miniatures.

- I read more books than what I had been reading the last 10 years or so.


Amazing highlights, I confirm 2024 is a perfect fit for getting married 😄

DynaMight Guru
DynaMight Guru

After many years of engaging with numerous members in the Community through various interactions, this year was particularly special for me. I had the unique opportunity to meet many of these individuals in person at Perform. It was an incredible experience to finally put faces to the names and voices I had come to know so well. The event was filled with memorable moments and enriching conversations, making it a truly unforgettable experience.

Meeting these community members face-to-face allowed us to strengthen our connections and share our experiences in a more personal and meaningful way.

The true delight is in the finding out rather than in the knowing.

It's so great to see how we share great memories from the last catchup during the PERFORM 2024! 😎

The same for me @DanielS !
Does that mean I won’t see you at Perform in 2025?

So sad! 

Observability consultant - Dynatrace Associate/Pro/Services certified

Hi  @DanielS ! !

I felt the same at Vegas. 🤗

I hope I see you soon in person again.


Dynatrace Community RockStar 2024, Certified Dynatrace Professional


The greatest one for me is that i lost some weight 😂 and finally i started to learn Deutsch.

Dynatrace Certified Professional - Dynatrace Partner -

Fingers crossed for your progress in German in 2025! 🤞

Agree with you @islam_zidan 

We are trying our best, but we can't resist the smell & taste of the tasty and delicious foods 😋 🥘 🍲 

Dynatrace Pro
Dynatrace Pro

This year started with many new things accomplished, both personal and professional

1.- I went sand boarding
2.- I climbed a snowy mountain at 52,000 meters above sea level
3.- I went surfing
4.- I went for walks and gained experiences with my family (Father and Mother)
5.- I traveled to the End of the World (Ushuaia - Argentina)
6.- I climbed the stairway to heaven (San Mateo - Ucros - Peru)

7.- I was 🎯  Member of the month in our Dynatrace community

8.- I traveled to Bogota

Uff and other things but those are the ones I want to remember the most  😂

Pierre Gutierrez - LATAM ACE Consultant - Loving Cats! Loving Technology !

Point two caught my attention, what's this mountain name? 😃

jeje  That Mountain is "Raura Mountain" - Perú 💪

Pierre Gutierrez - LATAM ACE Consultant - Loving Cats! Loving Technology !

Dynatrace Mentor
Dynatrace Mentor

Got a ton of things accomplished this year, but by far, these are the top 3 for me: 

1 - Got into mountain biking - hoping that next year I can "comfortably" do 10 miles!

2 - Rekindled my love for 3d imaging and game development - this transpired to 3d printing as well, and I also find myself hand painting a lot of my models!

3 - Learned a ton of new songs on the guitar 

There's definitely way more than what's listed, but this year brought on a ton of challenges & opportunity! 

Dynatrace ACE Services Consultant

Thank you Taylor for sharing these accomplishments, especially the first one sounds impressive! 🏔

Ran a 5k in 29:23 and climbed all 1,776 steps of the CN Tower in 20:45. Took a selfie with our CEO at the runrtfc-selfie_b.jpg      cntower_b.jpg

I was a little boy when CN Tower was built. It was there that I got my fears of heights!

Doing the stairs must be one great experience... And you did it to SkyPod!

Maybe, I'll try it when I'm 99 😂

Antonio Sousa

Always wanted to see the panorama of Toronto from the CN Tower, when I'll finally get there I know what way of getting to the top I should consider 😎

Dynatrace Mentor
Dynatrace Mentor

Things that made me happy this year.
1. I managed to stay active and fit this year keeping myself occupied with a mix of physical activities.

2. We got our son into habit of reading and he loves books now, great to see him getting crazy to read books.

3. Me and my partner made a new habit of not gossiping about our friends/colleagues behind their back.

4. I started practicing a new habit of being happy and not stress about endless noise of the world 🙂


I truly appreciate your honesty with points number two and three, that's great!

Thank you 😄


DynaMight Legend
DynaMight Legend

What a great Challenge! 

  • A much-anticipated vacation: I finally managed to unplug from work and embarked on a family road trip. We drove over 55 hours, covering 3,000 miles, from the top of Maryland to the southernmost point in the continental US, Key West. It was a long-awaited and much-needed break.

  • Smooth transition of Financial Trading Business: Our company successfully transitioned all Financial Trading Business from a recent acquisition to our Primary Application. This entire process was monitored by Dynatrace, ensuring a seamless transition.

  • Innovative Dynatrace Tenant Development: I developed a Dynatrace Tenant to monitor customer devices where they install our OneAgent, especially if they experience issues. This initiative provides our tech teams with crucial metric data to address problems more effectively.




Flawless mix of professional and after-hours accomplishments, Chad's sign of quality ☑️

Community Team
Community Team

That's a difficult one! So many things were going on in the last 12 months 😍

1. I completed the Crown of Polish Marathons which means running 4 oldest Polish marathons in 4 different cities within 2 years 👑 And I also beat my personal best in marathon this year! :muscle:
2. I traveled to the Central America for the first time and spent two weeks with my family in Costa Rica 🌴
3. At Dynatrace, I took the fourth team under my wings :dynaspin: 

I wish all of you a fantastic 2025! :tada:

Keep calm and build Community!


DynaMight Champion
DynaMight Champion

1. Became a Dynatrace DynaMight, this has to be top 1! 🙂

2. Started at a new company in April, very happy with my choice. Great Dynatrace customers and tasks - but most of all a very kind, knowledgeable and thankful team! 

3. Bought a Stand-Up Paddle board and used it a lot. Discovered my own city from the water.

A Dynatrace Professional nerd working for Conclusion Xforce

Marina as the DynaMight was just a matter of time, thrilled to see it finally happened! 😎

Enjoy new life chapter, hoping it will be fueled with success and achievements.

Dynatrace Advisor
Dynatrace Advisor

Hi Dynatrace Community!

Can you believe 2024 is almost over? It's been a busy year! Here are some of my personal highlights:

  • I got engaged with my girlfriend! I'm going to marry.
  • I had some great times with my family: my mom, dad, and sister. Family time is always important.

Work has been good too:

  • I went to Reconnect 2024. It was a really useful and interesting event.
  • I also got a promotion at work! Now I'm a Senior Consultant.

Outside of work, I started a new hobby: making things with resin. I'm creating little models and figures. It's a fun way to relax.

So heartwarming accomplishments, congratulations for the engagement news! Seems like 2025 will be even more family-oriented for you, nothing can beat that 😀


The "Professional" stuff
- Started my Dynatrace journey.
- Our team migrating from several legacy monitoring tools to consolidate under Dynatrace.
- Learning new coding languages to support janky legacy applications.
- Enriching my relationships with monitoring teams in other companies, comparing success stories to spark innovation.
- New professional goal, get high enough on the food chain to never have to be on-call again. 


The "Personal" stuff
- Made a full recovery after a pretty nasty physical injury.
- Reconciled with estranged family members.
- Read so many new (to me) books which reignited my love for literature.
- Took strides in learning a new foreign language that aligns with my ancestry. I didn't expect it to be so rewarding.
- Got called a "bumbling fool" by someone I respected. That led me down a rabbit hole of self discovery and growth that I didn't even realize I needed. Believe it or not, I owe this person more than I will ever truly give them credit for and will never tell them to deny them the satisfaction. Maybe I haven't grown THAT much 🙂

"Be excellent to each other" - Abraham Lincoln, San Dimas High School, c.1988

Thank you Josh for sharing so much fantastic highlights of the last year! That part about learning a new language got me interested, hope you'll make a further progress in 2025! 😎


Onboarded over a 1000 nodes in 4 weeks, including categorization for environment, product team models, business criticality, alerting notifications, operations dashboards and delivered level 1 visibility across the organization. 

It sounds solid! :dynaspin:

Dynatrace Leader
Dynatrace Leader

Getting a special badge 🙂 




That's a gorgeous trophy! :dynaspin:

Congratulations Paco!! :clap::take_my_money:

❤️ Emacs ❤️ Vim ❤️ Bash ❤️ Perl

Congratulations @PacoPorro 👨‍💻 :dynaspin:


Well, let's see...

  • Started working with Dynatrace and got my Associate's, prepping my Professional now~!
  • Attended Innovate for the first time and met a lots of new people 😁
  • Traveled through France and Belgium on vacation
  • Adopted a second cat!
  • Started and committed to learning a 4th language

Off the top of my head those are the things I can think of! But it's been quite the year, really. Back in December 2023 I couldn't have imagined I'd be here right now.

To make an error is human. To spread the error across all servers in an automated way is DevOps.

Thanks Pedro for sharing these fantastic highlights, hats off for adopting a cat from a fellow cat enthusiast 🍷


Regarding Dynatrace Exams, Thanks god:

  • Passed CloudOps exam certification.
  • Passed SaaS Upgrade exam certification.

It was such a happy news upon receiving member of the month nomination for October 2024.


  • Weight loss techniques adoption without medications.
  • Avoiding junk && fast foods.


  • Started learning Hindi 😉 to familiarize myself with my colleagues' languages, cultures and traditions.
  • Exploring, learning new words or statements such as मेरे दोस्त आप कैसे हैं 😊
  • Keep asking people 😀 in the public places and transportations about new words to learn and practice as much as i can.
  • Renewing Partner Sales and Sales Specialist certifications before the end of 2024.

you forgot this "तुम्हें डॉक्यूमेंटेशन करना ही पड़ेगा" please translate 😂

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