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Take the Commuter Challenge! β€ŒπŸš²β€Œ

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Community Team

It's the time! Here comes the brand new Community challenge! :dynatrace:


The "Commuter" badgeThe "Commuter" badge

Even if we don't think about it deeply, every day we're making a choice to effectively commute. Some of us take the bus, some go by train, others prefer a bike or scooter, many stick with a car or even their own feet πŸ‘£


Here in Dynatrace, we pay huge attention to the way how we commute in our daily routine, having the EcoMode program. It rewards Dynatracers who use everything but the car or get to work by public transport πŸš„ Shout out to Alexander Sommer, who no matter of rain, sun, cold or heat is strongly committed to the bike as his daily mean of transportation to work.


And you? Tell us how you commute on your daily basis, no matter if it is a bike, car, scooter, public transport or your own feet. What do you use the most frequently? Every answer gives you 100 bonus points and a dedicated "Commuter" badge. Additionally! For every submission we plant a flower in our office πŸ˜‰

Can't wait for your answers! Feel free to respond any way you prefer! πŸ˜Š


DynaMight Guru
DynaMight Guru

Before COVID there was a lot of commuting to customers every week. Where possible with the train but witht he state of railway in germany, a lot was flying.


But for the last ~2 years my daily commute has been the ~30 steps from my kitchen to the office, no cars involved πŸ˜‰



Dynatrace Certified Master - Dynatrace Partner -

@pahofmann Are you planning to change your commute habits to those pre-covid? πŸ™‚

Keep calm and build Community!

If it where up to me no πŸ˜‰  But I don't think it will go back to nearly as much traveling as before. 

I'm not really sad as it saves a lot of time and is a lot more flexible remote, though a bit of traveling again would be nice.

Dynatrace Certified Master - Dynatrace Partner -

DynaMight Legend
DynaMight Legend

I use to take the Washington DC Metro to work, now I don't even have to go out of the house to get to the office! Cant say I miss the old commute! 


Dynatrace Pro
Dynatrace Pro

Before the pandemic, many of us had to go to the customer's office. Now in the new normality, I had to create my own office (3rd room - guests only) and don't have to move to another place but every day I've to pick up my son from the school who is ~10 minutes away from the apartment. My mobility is obviously walking less than 30 minutes.

-CΓ©sar S. -

DynaMight Guru
DynaMight Guru

Same here, working from home since March 2020. Before pandemic, I used to take a bus to go to office (around 40km far from my home), and sometimes, my motorcycle.

Today , the only place I go daily is to my kids school, they are near, around 10 mins on feet (their pace).

But let's say I come back to office, weekly, I would definitely ride my Dyna, it is not so eco (a bit louder too), but that's how I like it.


Site Reliability Engineer @ Kyndryl

Fantastic! Around 80 kilometers of the trip to and back from work sounds like a perfect opportunity to enjoy the motorbike season as much as possible! πŸ˜Ž

DynaMight Guru
DynaMight Guru

I commute by car. I do it almost all days with electrical power, so it's almost always eco friendly. 20 Km daily. Don't have a public transport option.

Probably one of us that has worked less from home in the pandemic... Always secure and abiding by the law, but sometimes I would feel that I was like in a "The Walking Dead" episode...

Antonio Sousa

High five, @AntonioSousaπŸ– I'm in the office 5 days a week, got back in June 2020 already when they opened the doors to Dynatrace labs for selected groups of employees - meaning those with no good conditions to work from home (be it equipment or kids πŸ˜‰).

I rarely use car (don't have an electric one), so in 90% of the cases it's my bike, the other 10% is either train or car πŸ˜Š

Keep calm and build Community!

Dynatrace Helper
Dynatrace Helper

Great to see Alex showing how it's done biking :muscle:🚲

Some days I drive a car, some days I take my e-bike Ampler. It has completely changed my experience of urban biking and I recommend to take a ride with an e-bike for all ages and fitness levels.


Not a big bike expert at all, but your machine looks fantastic - like a perfect for long trips around forests, rural areas, or city alleys!


I commute by subway in Osaka. The Osaka subway is the second largest in Japan after the Tokyo subway.
Not only the subway, but also Japanese railways operate according to the timetable, and there is not much delay.

So, train delay of

0min to 1min "Good" ,  

1min to 3min"Tolerable",

> 3 minutes "Frustrating".


T.Shirai IIM Corp. Osaka Japan

Those are some nice punctuallity goals!


In Germany everything below a 5:59min delay doesn't even count as not on time in the statistics. 

Often if a train has to much delay it will just cancel the last stops and change direction early, as cancled trains also don't count as "late" in the statistics... πŸ™„

Dynatrace Certified Master - Dynatrace Partner -

The punctuality is legendary. That's the way to go! Here in Portugal we don't know what that is... And I can just imagine OneAgents sourcing that data and feeding some nice dashboard/SLOs! :dynaspin:

Antonio Sousa

Dynatrace Champion
Dynatrace Champion

Lucky, here in India it will feel like ages to wait for local trains. Units are are displayed in nos from 00 to 10. 01 unit at time is 10 seconds or sometimes its 5 minsπŸ˜…


Dynatrace Champion
Dynatrace Champion

In India, when it comes to metropolitan areas, Metro trains will be right on time without any delays. In Bengaluru trains are very punctual and most of the people who travels to work via Metro itself. Local trains gets delayed due to some technical reasons that to when you are going for a long journey. When you are on a journey, it is okay to get delayed here and there sometimes... πŸ˜‰

Love more, hate less; Technology for all, together we grow.

Dynatrace Champion
Dynatrace Champion

I have to have this badge!


On average I go to the office 4 times a week, by bike (~ 20km/day). Given the fact that the pandemic chained me for nearly two years to the home office and this exercise was missing .... correct, I still need to get rid of a few kg!!!!

Director of Product Management @ Dynatrace
That means I'm better at delegation than doing actual work!

Just curious on what the altimetry profile is like for your 20 Kms?

Antonio Sousa

It's actually really flat along the Danube πŸ˜‰

Director of Product Management @ Dynatrace
That means I'm better at delegation than doing actual work!

Dynatrace Champion
Dynatrace Champion

Hey yes.. the initial pandemic time during complete lockdown, I experimented a lot of cooking and eventually eating it πŸ˜‚. Added a lot of weight all due to sugar sweet dishes. You can try cutting down sugar completely 


Dynatrace Champion
Dynatrace Champion

I would love to share my commuting experience to office before the pandemic (10 Km per day)bike-customization-hobby.jpg. I still use my bike for local travel and weekend touring. I use to ride this own custom bike of mine which was build using scrap materials form different  type of old bikes. I tweaked its engine by adjusting the fuel flow and  also reducing the diameter of gear teeth's to increase the RPM. It eventually cover more miles than any average low end bike and was very economic for me giving a range of 110 KM in a single liter of fuel.

Its still my passion to customize bike and I can spend my weekend building one again with some electric technology movement.πŸ˜‰


Is this a Royal Enfield? I mean the engine and chassis, since the parts may be form others manufacturers πŸ˜

Site Reliability Engineer @ Kyndryl

Dynatrace Champion
Dynatrace Champion

Thankyou its all different OEM


Dynatrace Champion
Dynatrace Champion

Handle is Custom made aluminum after market similar to Harley, Chassis and engine  are Hero Honda passion plus its a 110  with a custom build carburetor


Dynatrace Champion
Dynatrace Champion

Gear box battery box Chain cover set spoke wheels are Royal Enfield, Fuel tank is Yamaha RX100, Speedometer is Yamaha enticer, and many more of same brands above all got from 2nd hand market place.


Dynatrace Champion
Dynatrace Champion

I rebuild each parts to stock new repair needed. Working on my next project on my weekends now. It have a Hero Honda Karizma R 228 cc 2007 rebuild as new powered engine with custom Fuel injector support and a scrambler look.


DynaMight Champion
DynaMight Champion

Hello everyone,

Personally, I much prefer public transport AND/OR electric scooter: for an hour, I have time to read the news, catch up with friends and family, reread articles or meet new people...

But since my move, the city is not well served by public transport, which forces me to take my own car morning and evening.

Sharing Knowledge

Sometimes public transport is a perfect area to catch up with the stuff we don't have time to read at home! But as you say, sometimes it's simply not possible to use it as frequently as we'd like...

Totally agree! Some 25 years ago, I had an hour commute, each direction... I would have a stack of magazines (anyone remembers Byte, for instance?) and read a lot! Although I'm an Internet user since 1991, magazines were still influential during about more 10 years.

Today, it's even easier, and not only in public transportation. I normally hear podcasts on my car commute, things like "Pure Performance" :dynaspin:

Antonio Sousa

Personally, I still buy magazines sometimes. It's actually more convenient while being on the journey because you save your device's battery and have some rest from screens πŸ˜„

Dynatrace Champion
Dynatrace Champion

Before the pandemic I had a 40 minute car ride to work and to be honest, I kind of miss it! it was a great time to relax, listen to some music, unwind and just prepare for the next day. It also helped keep that separation between work and home. Now, just like so many else I'm just a few steps away from work every morning. I mean thats not terrible either, you get to make your own office with your own hardware allowing you to put it together in a way the suites you!

DynaMight Champion
DynaMight Champion

Pre-pandemic, I was either on-premise at clients or at the office. If at clients, it would mostly be by car to the nearest Gautrain station, then Gautrain to the closest station, and then either by foot or Gautrain bus to the client.
If I had to grace my colleagues with my presence at the office (yeah, right hahaha!) I'd take my car since public transport is not the greatest in South Africa.

I'd cycle to work if I could, but we do not have the fantastic facilities like those which Alexander Sommer has access to.

Can't say I'm missing the commute, at all!! Love working from home and dreading the day things go back to normal, which will hopefully never happen completely πŸ˜…

Haha! πŸ˜‚ I think many people fell in love with remote work during the pandemic πŸ˜‰


Looks like you use many ways of commuting, Andre! Nice diversification!

Keep calm and build Community!

Hehehe .. I am missing working from office πŸ˜‰


I can relate my early days, when I dint had a bike to drive. Now bikes are easy to drive on streets and save a lot of time πŸ‘


Dynatrace Helper
Dynatrace Helper

I commute to work by train. The train takes only 20 minutes even though I live just outside the city, so including walking time it takes me around 40 minutes. I quite like the ride, and some times I even had more time for my audiobook or podcast episode πŸ˜

Can't believe you plant a flower for every answer - what a nice idea!

We'll do and we'll document it! πŸ˜ƒ

Keep calm and build Community!

Wonderful! I'm also going to plant one 🌻

Antonio Sousa

Thanks πŸ™

I have planted one of my favorite flower plant today. This will be my Community Pelargonium:


I have been doing propagation with cuttings, and it seems that Pelargoniums are quite easy to propagate. Let's see if I didn't leave to many leafs... It's my second this year, because I already have a lot of them. This Community one is derived from my most beautiful Pelargonium, also because it has some nice Dynatrace color:


Antonio Sousa

Oh, wow! 😍 I can't guarantee our plants will be as spectacular as the one above, but we'll do our best to take a good care of them πŸ˜Š

Keep calm and build Community!

Oh wow, that is amazing @AntonioSousa :star_struck: Love the colors!

I love periwinkle in different colors, will be planting it soon πŸ™‚


Dynatrace Champion
Dynatrace Champion

Trains are best way to commute here in India too πŸ™‚


Another Harley guy here. 70km round-trip to downtown Toronto - averaging 7L/100km. Toronto allows free street parking for motorcycles and we're allowed to use the HOV lanes. 


I'm looking forward to our return to the office next month (% basis).



That's the right (and brave) attitude! πŸ˜Ž

We're not made of sugar, right? πŸ˜‚


I wish you a smooth RTO! πŸ™‚

Keep calm and build Community!

You got to be in India , can't commute with this in the traffic to Office. Yes but definitely a loved one for long rides.


DynaMight Guru
DynaMight Guru

My EDC commute equipment is:



Huge fan of Brompton Bikes.

The true delight is in the finding out rather than in the knowing.

Yes! Brompton bikes are actually the most comfortable for the city environment, here in Poland they're getting more and more popular πŸ‘€

Dynatrace Champion
Dynatrace Champion

Being one of very less outsider and I am more of an insider. I go out rarely as my work is from home. However, I always like to go and travel to the neighbouring hill station. Here are some of those pics I took when I visited the view point, 


Love more, hate less; Technology for all, together we grow.

So stunning views, you're lucky to have such landscapes in your close neighborhood! πŸ˜Œ

Indeed, Michal.
It is so peaceful that sometimes I go there to relieve my stress from life. It is just so soothing to my eyes and mind. 

Love more, hate less; Technology for all, together we grow.

Community Team
Community Team

@pahofmann@ChadTurner@cesarsaravia@dannemca@AntonioSousa@HansLougas@Shirai@kurt_aigner@techean@Malaik@Fin_Ubels@andre_vdveen@robaxelsen@richard_guerra@DanielS, and @theharithsa 


As we promised, we've carefully seeded 16 plants in our office to celebrate all of your answers submitted to the Commuter Challenge. Take a look at how they proudly grow, it's never been so green in our room! πŸ˜Ž



Awesome! How nice of you πŸ˜

So, so nice! πŸ˜€

Antonio Sousa

Ooooohhh, so cute!!! Which one is "mine"??? I would call it Nic.

Site Reliability Engineer @ Kyndryl

Awesome!! 😍😁 :clap: Mine could have the name of my son? He is: Rasec
He is also planting a flowers at the school.

-CΓ©sar S. -

Thanks @Michal_Gebacki :clap:

The true delight is in the finding out rather than in the knowing.

Oh thats awesome! Maybe I should start growing something on my baren wasteland of a desk. Whats on the post-it notes?

The names of the challenge participants πŸ˜ƒ Here are some pictures from the backstage πŸ˜„


20220621_141752 1.jpg20220621_145334 1.jpg

Keep calm and build Community!

This is awesome!!

Site Reliability Engineer @ Kyndryl

Make sure you water it properly. I'll check on it, the next time in Gdansk πŸ˜‰

Director of Product Management @ Dynatrace
That means I'm better at delegation than doing actual work!

Hello @KarolinaL 

Where is mine in the photo? and how it's looks like after 1 year of groowing.

Sharing Knowledge


I still drive to the office, but this habit should soon change to a more eco-friendly option.


Before COVID, I went to the office every day. Whenever possible, by bus or car, but since public transportation in Brazil is complicated until I bought my car, I had to use Uber.


But after the pandemic I'm trying to get active again and do more sport

Dynatrace Professional Certified


I move inside my house. I use frequently my speakers for listen music, videos or webinars.

Best regards,

IT Master | dynatrace Certified professional | SRE Certified | Scrum Certified | Azure Certified |


I usually prefer walking in warm days, but still the car option is the best during the summer πŸ˜€

Dynatrace Certified Professional - Dynatrace Partner -

Dynatrace Enthusiast
Dynatrace Enthusiast

I mostly take the bus to the office and back, though sometimes I take the metro, mostly if it's raining or if I have to stop somewhere on the metro line on the way back!

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