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Community Team
Community Team

Dear Community!


We have some Easter presents for you! 🐰🌻🎁

Please read below about the UI changes we've introduced and what is in the works. We truly hope you'll like them.


UI changes





All types of posts in the activity feed

On the Community home page and on the forum category levels, you now see all types of posts listed, not just questions.


Macros tab in user profile is gone

This was an unnecessary tab, targeted mainly on the forum moderators. We removed it from the profile settings to avoid further confusion.


Email field moved to the profile summary

We moved the email field up on the profile page, below the link to “My settings”.


What is planned in the upcoming weeks

  • Elevated “Follow” button to make it easier to subscribe to forums and posts
  • Fixing the avatar crop
  • Redesigned lists of posts in the activity feeds: removed the preview of the post, added labels and information about the last activity



Have a great weekend!

The Dynatrace Community Team