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Community Team
Community Team

Hello, dear Community friends! 

We'd like to share with you some important news regarding the team behind the scenes. You may have already noticed that two of our team members, @IzabelaRokita and @Ana_Kuzmenchuk, are not as present on the forum as they used to be. This is because of a very heartwarming reason.

As of May, we are leaving for our maternity leave 🐥🐣


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It's an exciting time for us, and a big change, and we wouldn't be able to go through all the ups and downs of this journey without the support of our awesome team and all of you! We're ready to take on a new role and a new challenge 🏔, but we're going to miss the Community all the same. We're leaving you in good hands and not saying goodbyes, we're saying see you soon!