This month, we’re thrilled to introduce again 😉, one of our fantastic Community users and a DynaMight in one person – Reinhard Weber. The author of many extensions on Community, a hero of the 🎥 Dynatrace Tips & Tricks – Episode #3 with Reinhard Weber , and a well-established problem-solver.
@r_weber constantly climbs the Community ladder and reaches many peaks, so we'd like to shed some light on his success and invite you to join us on the August journey.
I grew up spending lots of time outdoors, in the mountains, camping, and skiing. While maintaining this interest in my hobbies until today, I have also always been very interested in technology. As a kid, I was fascinated by technology and computers. I first encountered computers with my dad’s Xerox Star 8010 and an acoustic coupler for communication.
At school, I set the foundation for my job today, as we were one of the first classes to get the chance to choose a special subject: computer science. This influenced my job until today when I got my degree in computer science.
My hobbies stayed the same: mountaineering, climbing, speleology and outdoor activities. Nowadays, I also enjoy all of this with my lovely family, spending time with my two kids and my wife.
Lunch at high altitude.
I’ve worked in various IT roles, from system architecture and administration to network design, system optimization, and consulting services. For most of my professional life, I’ve worked for Dynatrace, starting in the early days as a product manager. After I moved to wonderful Bavaria, I worked for one of the largest Dynatrace customers. But now I’ve joined forces with another former Dynatrace friend, and we’re one of Dynatrace’s boutique partners in the DACH region – 360Performance. I help large customers implement and leverage Dynatrace.
Caveman 😉
I worked for Dynatrace as a Product Manager for almost 8 years during the early days until I relocated from Austria to Germany in 2017. Back then, I joined one of the largest Dynatrace customers and helped them leverage the rather new Ruxit Platform (which later turned into what now is Dynatrace). The success story of rolling out the OneAgent to more than 5000 hosts with full automation over one weekend even became a story that I presented at Perform. I still can see a quote from that story at Perform 2024.
" The Community is a fantastic space to see how others use Dynatrace and learn from various use cases. "
I really like the exchange and the DynaMights program where long-time friends and Dynatrace helpful experts can exchange their thoughts and expertise.
Climbing, climbing, climbing... 🫠 Oh, and almost forgot about climbing! 😂
My diploma thesis at university was about debugging massively parallel programs on supercomputers. I used various visual representations of the communication patterns in parallel execution to recognize anomalies. This is somewhat similar (very simplified) to automated anomaly detection done in Dynatrace. I would have never thought this would be part of my professional life today.
As for a bucket list, I never really created one. It would just be too long 😊. I’d rather take the surprises and opportunities in life as they come—good and bad ones—and make the best of each one.
Reinhard, you’re an essential part of our Community family. Thanks for having you on board and your valuable contribution!