We are pleased to inform you that Dynatrace Community has finally moved to a new and much-improved platform. You should immediately benefit from the refreshed UI, new forum structure, and a better search.
You can start your journey right away. Go to the new Community site and click the avatar icon to log in through our SSO. Then follow our recommended first steps.
The first steps in the forum
- Create a unique user name on your first login.
The limit is 15 characters, no spaces. We recommend to follow the Firstname_Lastname pattern, but it's of course up to you. We also know that with a limit of 15 characters it may be challenging for many people to make it.
You may also go for the current Firstname_LastNameInitial, but remember: it must be unique. You can change your user name in your profile at any time.
- Upload a user avatar.
Choose from the newly created Community collection of branded avatars or upload your own personalized image.
- Set up your notification settings.
Go to your profile page > My Settings > Subscriptions & Notifications > Notification Settings
Choose how you want to get notified about the forum activity.

Day-1 limitations and things out of scope
Although the new platform is really awesome, there will be some glitches in the beginning for sure. We'll do our best to resolve them as soon as possible.
Known issues and limitations on day 1
- Flat comment structure in the Dynatrace Product Ideas forum
- Product idea status counts not reflecting real values
- Too many labels displayed in some of the forums (including those that should be deleted or merged into others)
- Links to classic product posts in the search results
- Blurry user avatars in the lists of posts
Things out of scope
Some features were specific to our legacy platform or implemented as custom work. In the new platform, you won't find the "Ask an Expert" feature. It was rarely used and we noticed you prefer to use the @mention option in the forum posts.
We hope that the large number of new and improved functionalities will successfully replace these few things and will not prevent you from enjoying the new Community platform.
What's planned moving forward
Here are the features and requests we're working on and those that are planned for later.
- Further improvements of various UI elements
- Further content cleanup
- Your product ideas on your profile page
- Search using our list of synonyms
- Disabling classic products from search results
- Additional forum options for power users (editing labels on posts, moving posts around, etc.)
- Appealing popup boxes with user achievements when hovering over the user name
- Fixing mobile design issues
- Promotion of the hottest and most valuable topics
- Getting product ideas back in release notes
- A special program for the most valuable Community contributors
- Community video tours
Thank you, everyone, for your patience while we put the legacy Community site in the read-only mode for the last week. Enjoy the new one from now on!
The Dynatrace Community Team