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Data Explorer export to CSV - remove 100 entries limit

Currently when exporting data from Data Explorer into CSV the result is limited to 100 entries.

Could you add possibility to remove CSV export limit or add possibility to configure higher limit for CSV export.


PS. I know that using API I can export metric values into CSV without limit - but I cannot offer this solution to managers and users without development background.


DynaMight Guru
DynaMight Guru


You can remove limit.

  1. Going to advance mode.
  2. Remove ":limit(100)" from query.
  3. Run query again.


Best regards

❤️ Emacs ❤️ Vim ❤️ Bash ❤️ Perl

DynaMight Leader
DynaMight Leader

Another option:

Change to table

Add "limit"

Change to "No Limit"

Export to excel





Dynatrace Certified Professional

I'm on Managed version 1.262.

  • After removing ":limit(100)" from query still only 100 entries is exported to CSV
  • There is no "No Limit" option for Limit parameter

DynaMight Leader
DynaMight Leader

can you upgrade to 1.266?

Data explorer and dashboard table enhancements

Platform | Data explorer

We have made the following improvements to the table visualization:

  • Columns: In the Data explorer table visualization, use the checkboxes in the Columns section to enable and disable the display of columns. These selections are reflected in the resulting dashboard tiles.
  • Rows: In the Data explorer, you can remove the limit to see more than 100 rows.
  • Pages: In the Data explorer and resulting dashboard table tiles, tables are automatically paginated. Use the controls under the table to page through tables.
Dynatrace Certified Professional

New limit feature is mentioned in SaaS release notes only. Does it mean that Managed will not have possibility to remove limit?

DynaMight Leader
DynaMight Leader

Based on what I see:

These release notes relate to Dynatrace Managed specific changes. To learn about general Dynatrace changes included in this Dynatrace Managed release, see:

So appears managed gets SaaS updates for general stuff like this.

Dynatrace Certified Professional

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