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Examples of creating dashboards using terraform and the dynatrace_document


Hello community,

I'm attempting to create dashboards using terraform (we arent going down the path of Monaco). I have been told in order to use the new dashboard app,  I would have to use the dynatrace_document which I believe I successfully have. I ensured that I had been using a service accound with all the document related policies. However when creating the dashboard, i am unable to find it on the UI. 

I have a feeling it is something to do with sharing. My code is pretty simple. 

resource "dynatrace_document" "example_dashboard_v2" {
type = "dashboard"
name = "Example Dashboard v2"
content = local.json_data
and the json
"version": 15,
"variables": [],
"tiles": {
"1": {
"type": "data",
"title": "",
"query": "fetch logs\n| limit 5",
"davis": {
"enabled": false,
"davisVisualization": { "isAvailable": true }
"visualization": "table",
"visualizationSettings": {
"thresholds": [],
"chartSettings": {
"gapPolicy": "connect",
"circleChartSettings": {
"groupingThresholdType": "relative",
"groupingThresholdValue": 0,
"valueType": "relative"
"categoryOverrides": {}
"singleValue": {
"showLabel": true,
"label": "",
"prefixIcon": "",
"recordField": "timestamp",
"autoscale": true,
"alignment": "center",
"colorThresholdTarget": "value"
"table": {
"rowDensity": "condensed",
"enableSparklines": false,
"hiddenColumns": [],
"lineWrapIds": [],
"columnWidths": {}
"honeycomb": {
"shape": "hexagon",
"legend": "auto",
"dataMappings": { "value": "timestamp" },
"displayedFields": ["content"],
"colorMode": "color-palette",
"colorPalette": "categorical"
"histogram": { "dataMappings": [] }
"querySettings": {
"maxResultRecords": 1000,
"defaultScanLimitGbytes": 500,
"maxResultMegaBytes": 1,
"defaultSamplingRatio": 10,
"enableSampling": false
"layouts": { "1": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "w": 20, "h": 6 } },
"importedWithCode": true
Does anyone have good examples of how to do this?


Managed to get the above working now. Essentially I was attempting to create dashboards using a service account (our companies pipelines to run the terraform apply) and we were unable to view the created dashboard.: To overcome this you are to add "private = false" in the resource.  There was also a bug in the dynatrace terraform provider (which has been fixed in  1.65.0)  to ensure that the private flag was fixed

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