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Dynatrace ActiveGate Installation Error


I am getting the following error when trying to run step 2 of the Linux ActiveGate installer:

Error reading S/MIME message
140170078168960:error:0D0D40D2:asn1 encoding routines:SMIME_read_ASN1:no multipart body failure:crypto/asn1/asn_mime.c:416:

Does anyone know what may be the cause of this?



Can you post commands that you used? My first thought was that you have issue like in this thread:

Best Regards

"The lions does not ally with the coyotes"


The first command was:
wget -O "" --header="Authorization: Api-Token dt0c01.Y7JCFOS5V6STB2KR3JBB52RB.JXSAIVAG4EG34AW6Z43DW62XU3FM4AE2VOT2WYJJAH4BR4YV2PQ66WVJVIGUJU3A"

And then the second command I ran was:
wget -O "" --header="Authorization: Api-Token dt0c01.Y7JCFOS5V6STB2KR3JBB52RB.JXSAIVAG4EG34AW6Z43DW62XU3FM4AE2VOT2WYJJAH4BR4YV2PQ66WVJVIGUJU3A"

The second command is when I got the error. I did also see the thread you listed, but I wasn't entirely sure if it was the same issue.


Those commands you posted are identical. After download installer second one should be verify signature and then run the installer with root rights.



"The lions does not ally with the coyotes"

That is correct, when verifying the signature I am getting the error of Error reading S/MIME message
140170078168960:error:0D0D40D2:asn1 encoding routines:SMIME_read_ASN1:no multipart body failure:crypto/asn1/asn_mime.c:416:

Please try to delete these last section of command.

| openssl cms -verify -CAfile dt-root.cert.pem > /dev/null

I read that it's problem with Certification Checking. You need to skip it somehow. I'll try scan AG installer script for any commands that verify it.


"The lions does not ally with the coyotes"

I have the SAME issue. The first command could not even download the installer even if our Network/Firewall Team claims it is open.

Resolving ....
Connecting to ...:443... connected.
GnuTLS: Error in the pull function.
Unable to establish SSL connection.

How was issue fixed?

Even If I download the installer separately... and have all the IPs andURLs to our tenant vetted through the firewall -- we still could not install.

Not sure you really want these tokens public.

Why do App Developers have high insurance rates? (gnihsarc peek yehT)


Even I am getting the same issue after executing the installer and in the verification step, getting below error


GnuTLS: Error in the pull function.
Unable to establish SSL connection.
Error loading file dt-root.cert.pem
139857517602624:error:02001002:system library:fopen:No such file or directory:crypto/bio/bss_file.c:69:fopen('dt-root.cert.pem','r')
139857517602624:error:2006D080:BIO routines:BIO_new_file:no such file:crypto/bio/bss_file.c:76:
139857517602624:error:0B084002:x509 certificate routines:X509_load_cert_crl_file:system lib:crypto/x509/by_file.c:199:

Naveen Morisetti

Hi @StateofMOBR 

  1. refer to
  2. try to bypass the certificate check --no-cert-check 

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