In extensions framework I can't use groups and devices any more.
Therefor I need to create a topology for the definition here below that I need to add in the extension.yaml file
# report device metrics from the API
def reportDeviceMetrics(self, session):
# Create group - provide group id used to calculate unique entity id in dynatrace
# and display name for UI presentation
group = self.topology_builder.create_group(identifier=self.unifisitename,
response = session.get(
url="{}/api/s/{}/stat/device".format(self.url, self.unifisitename),
headers = self.headers,
verify = False,
timeout = 1
if response.status_code != 200:
logger.error("Exception happened during device-basic api call = " + resp.text)
devices = response.json().get("data")
for device in devices:
# Create device - provide device id used to calculate unique entity id in dynatrace
# and display name for UI presentation
node = group.create_device(identifier="unifi-device-{}".format(device.get("name")), display_name=device.get("name"))"Topology: group name=%s, device name=%s",,
# report property - any string-string values pair. It is added to device metadata displayed in dynatrace UI
node.report_property(key='mac', value=device.get('mac'))
node.report_property(key='disabled', value=str(device.get('disabled')))
node.report_property(key='adopted', value=str(device.get('adopted')))
node.report_property(key='type', value=device.get('type'))
node.report_property(key='model', value=device.get('model'))
# report state - value must be one from list located in json file.
devicestate = 'OFF'
if device.get('state') == 1:
devicestate = 'ON'
node.state_metric(key='state', value=devicestate)
systemStats = device.get('system-stats')
if systemStats is not None:
node.absolute(key='sys-cpu', value=float(systemStats.get("cpu")))
node.absolute(key='sys-memory', value=float(systemStats.get("mem")))
Anybody an idea how to do that?