14 May 2019 01:55 AM
We are facing a problem to get some metrics from JMX.
We need to get and show the following value in Dashboards by JMX plugin.
java.lang:type=Memory => "used" of HeapMemoryUsage
This attribute reply values as Object that includes key/value sets like:
HeapMemoryUsage ->
commited: 37867520,
init: 30762048,
max: 675086336,
used: 25017808 <= We need this
In the JMX plugin editor, we can find "java.lang" and "type:Memory" and "HeapMemoryUsage".
But we can not find "used" key in the plugin editor UI.
Could you tell me whether it is possible to get "used" value by JMX plugin?
Noah Kobayashi
Solved! Go to Solution.
15 May 2019 04:22 PM
Getting data from CompositeData Objects is tricky but not impossible.
Unfortunately it is not available by using JMX plugins editor.
You would have to edit plugin manually by downloading it and editing JSON file or just by writing one by yourself.
What you need to do is define metric that points to this exact MBean and attribute as you would for simple primitive type (for example save plugin that you created in editor, you will have base already defined and correct) but inside "source" section of that timeseries add line:
"attributePath": "get(\"used\")",
attributePath mechanism allows to perform methods that return numbers on Objects exposed as MBeans.
For example if attribute is a Map you can get its entry, or check collection size etc.
11 Jun 2019 12:54 PM
Thank you for your answer.
I'm trying the "attributePath".
But I can't see the "used" value in the Further details screen.
Could you check my plugin.json?
"version": "1.1560248397",
"name": "custom.jmx.CreatedPlugin_SamplePlugin-1560248396428",
"type": "JMX",
"processTypes": [
"configUI": {
"displayName": "SamplePlugin"
"ui": {
"charts": [
"group": "SamplePlugin metrics",
"title": "Used of LastGcInfo/HeapMemoryUsage",
"series": [
"key": "metric_LastGcInfo_1560248393979",
"aggregation": "avg",
"displayname": "Used of LastGcInfo/HeapMemoryUsage"
"metrics": [
"timeseries": {
"key": "metric_LastGcInfo_1560248393979",
"unit": "Byte",
"displayname": "Used of LastGcInfo/HeapMemoryUsage",
"dimensions": [
"source": {
"domain": "java.lang",
"keyProperties": {
"type": "GarbageCollector",
"name": "MarkSweepCompact"
"attribute": "LastGcInfo",
"allowAdditionalKeys": true,
"calculateDelta": false,
"calculateRate": false,
"aggregation": "AVG",
"attributePath": "get(\"used\")"
Noah Kobayashi
11 Jun 2019 01:58 PM
I can see in my JConsole that attribute": "LastGcInfo" differs from "HeapMemoryUsage", what is an attribute you where initially asking. It has its "used" value more hidden. It looks like it is inside "memoryUsageAfterGc" or "memoryUsageBeforeGc" and they point to yet another Map. To get values form nested Map you can use same mechanism. Try something like:
"attributePath": "get(\"memoryUsageBeforeGc\").get(\"used\")"
But first confirm in your JConsole that it is what you are looking for.
Best regards,
Sebastian Cichocki.
12 Jun 2019 10:02 AM
Thank you for your reply.
Getting data is succeeded!
However, the number got by the JMX plug-in does not match the number get by Jconsole.
There is no mistake in the attribute name (I Think).
Current target:
java.lang:type=GarbageCollector,name=Copy -> LastGCInfo -> MemoryUsageAfterGc -> used
"metrics": [
"timeseries": {
"key": "metric_LastGcInfo_1560248393979",
"unit": "Count",
"displayname": "Used of LastGcInfo/HeapMemoryUsage",
"dimensions": [
"source": {
"domain": "java.lang",
"keyProperties": {
"type": "GarbageCollector",
"name": "Copy"
"attribute": "LastGcInfo",
"allowAdditionalKeys": true,
"calculateDelta": false,
"calculateRate": false,
"aggregation": "AVG",
"attributePath": "get(\"memoryUsageAfterGc\").get(\"value\").get(\"used\")"
Dynatrace says "33.8MB"
Jsoncole says "4281344"
Is there anything that can be considered as a cause?
Or should I open a support ticket?
18 Jun 2019 12:28 PM
Note that "memoryUsageAfterGc" is a map where you usually have six entries with different MemoryUsage object instance, each holding different "used" value.
Your declaration states that you just get one "value" right out from "memoryUsageAfterGc" object. It seems that you get something random or aggregated. To have exactly same value as in your screenshot you have to point exact method that will go deeper to single object from that map. It is heavily wrapped, look how complex descriptor of that field looks like:
(itemName=memoryUsageAfterGc,itemType=javax.management.openmbean.TabularType(name=java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.management.MemoryUsage>,rowType=javax.management.openmbean.CompositeType(name=java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.management.MemoryUsage>,items=((itemName=key,itemType=javax.management.openmbean.SimpleType(name=java.lang.String)),(itemName=value,itemType=javax.management.openmbean.CompositeType(name=java.lang.management.MemoryUsage,items=((itemName=committed,itemType=javax.management.openmbean.SimpleType(name=java.lang.Long)),(itemName=init,itemType=javax.management.openmbean.SimpleType(name=java.lang.Long)),(itemName=max,itemType=javax.management.openmbean.SimpleType(name=java.lang.Long)),(itemName=used,itemType=javax.management.openmbean.SimpleType(name=java.lang.Long))))))),indexNames=(key))),(itemName=startTime,itemType=javax.management.openmbean.SimpleType(name=java.lang.Long)))
Here you have dump of that map obtained by different JMX browser:
memoryUsageAfterGc": {
"PS Eden Space": {
"init": 134742016,
"committed": 134742016,
"max": 2810183680,
"used": 0
"Code Cache": {
"init": 2555904,
"committed": 6422528,
"max": 251658240,
"used": 6329472
"Compressed Class Space": {
"init": 0,
"committed": 2752512,
"max": 1073741824,
"used": 2586032
"PS Survivor Space": {
"init": 22020096,
"committed": 22020096,
"max": 22020096,
"used": 0
"PS Old Gen": {
"init": 358088704,
"committed": 147849216,
"max": 5708447744,
"used": 12848888
"Metaspace": {
"init": 0,
"committed": 21807104,
"max": -1,
"used": 21277544