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Using proprietary MIB files with the SNMP traps extension

DynaMight Guru
DynaMight Guru

If you develop your v2 extension, you can include proprietary MIB files, according to

But, if you use the SNMP traps, you will get the traps into the logs, and there will be no way of getting the more friendly OID names.

Now, the same link above specifies that there are directories that have those MIB files, as can be seen below.

The question is if we can put our proprietary MIB files there, and if they will be appeaar in Logs with a more familiar OID name?



Antonio Sousa

Dynatrace Promoter
Dynatrace Promoter

Custom MIBs can be added by creating a custom extension. Link to the documentation Unfortunately, we recently found a bug and it will not work as designed. The team is working to solve it. Temporary workaround: the MIB files can be dropped into the default folder with MIB files.

  1. Linux: /opt/dynatrace/remotepluginmodule/agent/res/mib-files/
  2. Windows: C:\%PROGRAMFILES%\dynatrace\remotepluginmodule\agent\res\mib-files


Seems like the MIB files don't survive an AG update. Can you confirm?

Antonio Sousa

That is true, but from AG v265 there will be a permanent folder for custom MIB files. The documentation will be updated, but I believe the final paths will be:
Linux: /var/lib/dynatrace/remotepluginmodule/agent/conf/userdata/mib-files-custom
Windows: C:\ProgramData\dynatrace\remotepluginmodule\agent\conf\userdata\mib-files-custom

Hi @krzysztof_suchc ! Do we need to restart something on the AG. Seems permanent MIB Files is not immediately taken into account.

Observability Engineer at Phenisys - Dynatrace Professional

Dynatrace Advocate
Dynatrace Advocate

@Hi @jegron if you manually put MIB files into a directory with the default package it will be overwritten by the default package in the next update. AG restart is required to load new MIB files, because modules are being loaded when the DataSource process starts. The proper way to add MIB files is to the custom extension zip package. They will be deployed and no further AG restarts are needed because a new process starts when the custom extension is assigned to an AG

DynaMight Champion
DynaMight Champion

Hi @LukaszMal !

I need to add custom mibs to interpret traps. So I added it to :


But Dynatrace SaaS does not take it into account despite services restart. It works after several days. Is there a cache mechanism somewhere?

Observability Engineer at Phenisys - Dynatrace Professional

Dynatrace Advocate
Dynatrace Advocate

Hi @jegron 

There is no cache mechanism, it should work after one AG restart

DynaMight Champion
DynaMight Champion

Ok, so I will open a case and provide log files for analysis 🙂

Thanks for your quick answers.

Observability Engineer at Phenisys - Dynatrace Professional


How can I check if the upload of a custom MIB file is complete? I've looked in the Dynatrace community and Dynatrace documentation, but no one has provided a method for "How to check"

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