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Alert when OneAgent is down


We would like to know when a OneAgent and related components are down, eg. would Plug-ins module running on the OneAgent is down.

We have looked suggestions posted by valuable members i.e., turn on Process availability, setting custom alert based on network or CPU. We find these recommendations might not meet our needs.

We have cloud and on-prem and this is only needed for on-prem which rules out the Grace shutdown if was an option (we haven’t tested this yet, but would generate too many alerts)





Dynatrace Participant
Dynatrace Participant

Have you tried this anomaly detection setting?



Also, the OA Watchdog service (installed alongside the OA) will start the OA service if the OA process fails.
Regards Jason

Thank you @jason_gs, yes we have looked at this option but this global and we have cloud and on-prem solution where we need this only for on-prem components. The watcher works like it is designed but we want alerts when someone stopped the OneAgent services and stayed in that state.

DynaMight Guru
DynaMight Guru


Please check this reply in this other post, as it is a similar question:

Antonio Sousa


@AntonioSousa thank you for the response. I have looked at the article and we ran availability monitoring for another agent and the problem was when an update to the agent occurred Dynatrace started alerting on them as the old version went down and a new version came online and detected as the process is down. Custom alerting was too painful as we were looking at more than 2000000 metrics combination. 


I'm using this technique in several environments and never had problems with OneAgent updates...

Works like a charm, testing it with OneAgents stop/starts...

Antonio Sousa

Amazing. Thank you for confirming that it works even after the version updates. I will look into this option but would hope Dynatrace comes up with easier solution versus this route.


@AntonioSousa  @jason_gs I have submitted a Product Idea and would like if you can provide any additional input or feedback.

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