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Automatic management zones creating


Hi all!

I monitoring hosts with custom tags (I add tags in hostautotags.conf), and I want automatically create management zones by tags. Can I do it through API or Dynatrace Saas functionality?


DynaMight Guru
DynaMight Guru

According to my knowledge there is no option for creating management zones automatically. But what I suggest is using host_group_names and creating management zones by them. Using tags is also ok but according to my experience it is good to make rules as simple as possible because in large environments they are hard to manage 🙂


Regards, Sebastian

Dynatrace Leader
Dynatrace Leader

There is a feature in the release pipeline that allows you to export and import management zone configs. You can also modify those exported config JSON documents and deploy it to one or more environments.

Cool 🙂 good information

Regards, Sebastian

Thank you, it's very useful feature!

@Wolfgang, is it also possible to have a clone option in the UI for Tags and Management Zones as well? So it will be easy for the users to clone and just change whatever is needed in a large environment.

Hello Wolfgang_beer,


I am aware to create management zones through API, but there is only have option to create one by one. it is bit diffcult to create all management zone.

Is it possible to create bulk management zone through API call" Create management zone"?????


I am thinking it will be possible after adding mz's json file... kindly provide your inputs here,



Pradeep K


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