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Calculated Service Metric - Number of times a method is called


Can someone provide me with the steps to create a CSM that captures the number of times a particular method is called in a request to a service?  I have tried creating a Request Attribute that is scoped to the method (info() logging method) and I have tried using the Occurrences metric but it does not give me the number of info() method calls.  Instead it gives me the number of requests that contained at least one info() method call.  I need to capture the number of times the method is actually called.   


Thank you. 




DynaMight Legend
DynaMight Legend

You would want to use the multidimensional analysis charts and set up something like this I would assume: 





Hello @ChadTurner


Im in the same case,


The trouble is that the maximum is 100 different dimensions.


Have a good day.

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DynaMight Leader
DynaMight Leader

Hello Jeff,


Readinng the documentarion, I think it is a count of all attributes from all info() method calls?


So the result is correct if only one method call returns one value.


Counting invocations was possible in the "old" appmon tool, but I think it is missing in Dynatrace )-;


KR Henk

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