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Distributed Traces - Wildcard Search


Hi guys - is there a way to do a wildcard search/filter in Distributed Traces? For example, I'd like to search for User-Agent that contains the word 'BOT'.




Thank you in advance.


Dynatrace Leader
Dynatrace Leader

Hi @apanoobee ,

unfortunately such complex filters are impossible in classic Multidimensional.
You can thou do such things using Grail DQL filtering for traces.


Dynatrace Pro
Dynatrace Pro

Hi @apanoobee 

Yes, it's possible, only need to write the text "BOT" and press enter. 
Because in request Attribute you can write the value, the same you can use in Multidimensional Analisys.

NOTE : When you filter a text in request attribute ( type: String ), Dynatrace search  some value that containt the text that you write.

Example :

With a exact filter "CLARO"


With option in request attribue : "Any value"


You can see the filter apply correctly, That's a fine work!

I hope it's helpful.  💪

Pierre Gutierrez - LATAM ACE Consultant - Loving Cats! Loving Technology !


Thank you.

What about "CLAAAAAAARO"?

Best regards

❤️ Emacs ❤️ Vim ❤️ Bash ❤️ Perl

jaja HI @AntonPineiro 
Claro is the value.
For more context, in Request attribute company in my Country exist "CLARO", "MOVISTAR", "ENTEL", etc. 
Just are a Telecomunication company. 

I hope it's helpful 💪

Pierre Gutierrez - LATAM ACE Consultant - Loving Cats! Loving Technology !



Thank you!

It means, I understand your solution is "contains" instead of of wildcard as titlle is saying.

Can we match "CLARO" "CLAARO" "CLAAAARO". Something as use wildcard "CLA+RO"?

Best regards

❤️ Emacs ❤️ Vim ❤️ Bash ❤️ Perl

The most precise example is, like SQL : "%CLARO%" .
Search the string "CLARO" in any value of request attribute, values like: 

I hope it helps to understand better.💪

Pierre Gutierrez - LATAM ACE Consultant - Loving Cats! Loving Technology !

now it's clear.
Sorry for the bad joke.

Hi, sorry but this doesn't work. I also tried the %% like how you'd  wildcard search in SQL. When I asked one of the DT specialists and they said this is impossible at the moment but will work in Grail.

Hi @apanoobee 

I think I misunderstood your question. What I mentioned is that just as in your image you can select "Any value" or "missing", it is also possible to filter by the name of the value.

In my example the RA values are, CLARO, MOVISTAR, and it is possible to make that filter.

It may be useful for you to know that you can have the filter for "contains" when you are creating a "Calculated Services Metric", there you could do it, in case you need it.

Sorry for the confusion.

Pierre Gutierrez - LATAM ACE Consultant - Loving Cats! Loving Technology !

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