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Sharing a link to (non) Dynatrace users

DynaMight Leader
DynaMight Leader

Hello Dynatrace Friends,

When sending out events, problems, notifications from dynatrace to a third party (as an example we could use ServiceNow) It is always interesting to also send a link where more information is shown or can be found.

I think I am missing this in the new Dynatrace? So how do I create a link to show the Davis graph that contains  my metric event (as an example) ?

And while asking, can I share a notebook url?

KR Henk


KR Henk


Dynatrace Advisor
Dynatrace Advisor

With the latest Dynatrace experience, both Dashboards and Notebooks are shared using the same functionality, Share Documents -
Unfortunately it is not possible to make anonymous sharing URLs anymore. As noted in the "Caution" section of the linked doc:

If you a share a document link with other people in your Dynatrace environment, link recipients could forward the link to others. No one outside your Dynatrace environment could use the link to access your document, of course, but anyone in your Dynatrace environment could use it, and they would have the same permissions (Can edit or Can view) that you selected when you created the link.


Here is an already open RFE (Request for Enhancement) which you can vote for so that our Dynatrace PM team evaluates the idea -

Thanks, just voted for the RFE!

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