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Token rotation dynatrace operator, oneAgents, activeGates for dynatrace managed.

Frequent Guest
We have a dynatrace environment in dynatrace managed, in which we have environment activeGates, oneAgents to monitor VMs and, dynatrace operator installed in K8s clusters with it´s own active gates.
We generated some tokens to install, however I would like to know which can be deleted, or which ones should be rotated and the procedure to do so without downtime.

Here the types of tokens that were created:

1. Paas Token for activeGate and OneAgent install
2. Dynatrace Operator token (for K8s operator)
3. Data Ingest token (for K8s operator)

I appreciate your insights.


Hello @ac300 

Let's talk about each Point separately:

  • Paas Token for activeGate and OneAgent install: Required to authenticate the components and the monitoring tenants, so you won't be able to connect either OA or AG unless you have a valid PaaS tokens.
  • DT Operator: you have two types the operator one which is mandatory to proceed with K8s / OpenShift monitoring 
  • DT ingestion token for K8s / OpenShift is Optional 
  • Both data ingestion and Integration token can be deleted or updated via the attached commands here at 


  • Token rotation are related mainly to AG in case of migration.
  • You can set the token for OA and AG through the remote configurations Ui if you have admin permissions to authenticate the monitoring components against another monitoring tenant or to connect to another monitoring environment.
  • This URL guiding you how to set the token for OA :


hoping it adds value.



in addition to what's @Peter_Youssef  has mentioned, when the authentication token get expired after 30 days and rotated, the affected ActiveGate is automatically deleted and redeployed by the operator as shown in the following figure within the `operator token scope` you've `activeGateTokenManagement.create`.


see this link it's explaining more about the needed tokens and the rotation.


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