16 Jun 2023
10:26 AM
- last edited on
19 Jun 2023
07:42 AM
Hi Team,
We are trying to integrate dynatrace with power BI and for which we need query to be created in dynatrace and fed in to power BI.
We are trying to extract API-Gateway CC request count from "custom multidimensional page". While trying to build query using data explorer we are unable to build the exact relationship "from" and "to" due to which accurate data is not populating. So could you please share details on how to build relationship and get exact metrics. Below is the query we used in power BI but its fetching metrics for overall integration layer but we want it to be segregated (e.g: API-Gateway CC,API-Gateway SF,etc)
Note 😞 hostname has been hidden in the above link )
16 Jun 2023 01:54 PM
Take a look at this thread: https://community.dynatrace.com/t5/Open-Q-A/DT-and-PowerBI-integration/m-p/111840
You have lots of details here:)