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Not found User action on React.js Web Application.

Hi everyone,

I would like your suggestion User Action missing of React.js that Dynatrace support and I enable captured XHR.

How I should do more configuration?

That I don't found next page after this page

Application page doesn't found loading page /index after click button "Start". This Web App is React.js (SPA).

This page (for survey Know-Your-Customer) (Customer Questions section) does not see on Dynatrace detection,


Askme Solutions Thailand team


Dynatrace Leader
Dynatrace Leader

Dynatrace RUM - currently - only captures interactions with web requests (XHR, fetch) in the back.

SPAs sometimes load further pages without web requests. For example, if most of the application shell has been already loaded with the initial page as well as elements visible on a subsequent page. Or the contents is already cached from a previous visit. That being said I want to point out that "view transitions" where no web requests are made during that transition aren't present in Dynatrace as of today. That's the bad news.

Good news is, we soon gonna introduce page views into Dynatrace, where page transitions without web request tied to it will also become visible in Dynatrace.

stay tuned!

Thanks for your response, 


Now, Dynatrace supported React.js already?


Which React.js version that Dynatrace supported?


Could Dynatrace trace performance end to end?


Askme Solutions Thailand team


Hi there, is this on the roadmap ? Is there a RFE ? Any status on when this will be available.

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