📢 Dynatrace support for Android Gradle Plugin 4.x ends in September 2024 354 Views 0 replies 5 kudos android gradle mobile monitoring This thread is pinned
Analyze granular digital experience data for insightful analysis with DEM metrics on dashboards and apps on the latest Dynatrace 762 Views 0 replies 7 kudos faq real user monitoring This thread is pinned
📚 Unlock the full potential of Digital Experience Monitoring with the latest Dynatrace, Grail and OneAgent 7429 Views 21 replies 33 kudos faq mobile monitoring real user monitoring This thread is pinned
📢 Dynatrace support for MS Internet Explorer 11 ends in May 2024 28995 Views 1 replies 7 kudos javascript real user monitoring This thread is pinned
Resolved! Communication test fails from mobile agent to SaaS Security Gateway (now ActiveGate) 5403 Views 8 replies 0 kudos activegate dynatrace saas mobile monitoring
Resolved! How can we get the users' names on Dynatrace Saas? 3609 Views 4 replies 0 kudos user sessions
Resolved! Is the Apdex Algorithm/Calculation in Dynatrace same as the Apdex in AppMon? 3088 Views 2 replies 0 kudos appmon dynatrace managed user actions
Resolved! APKit-AdkInstrumentor(1): minSdkVersion of 14 is not supported. Has to be at least 15. 3829 Views 4 replies 0 kudos android mobile monitoring
Resolved! Does OneAgent modify the transaction data other than JavaScript tag of RUM and HTTP headers? 5925 Views 5 replies 0 kudos real user monitoring
Resolved! Is excluded PurePaths when we enable "Exclude IP addresses from monitoring"? 2803 Views 1 replies 0 kudos distributed traces classic real user monitoring
Resolved! Web request naming rules for RUM? 2740 Views 2 replies 0 kudos real user monitoring user actions
Resolved! Why I can`t see web requests in Actions of users (dynatrace & mobile instrumentation ) 3683 Views 3 replies 0 kudos mobile monitoring user actions
Resolved! Does Agent need to be installed on Tomcat Front end host in order to see UI traffic? 1603 Views 1 replies 0 kudos user actions user sessions
Resolved! Easy way to get from User Action to PurePath? 3585 Views 2 replies 0 kudos user actions user sessions
Resolved! Unable to instrument on apk file 2965 Views 1 replies 0 kudos installation mobile monitoring
Resolved! Secure attribute of cookies of RUM 3237 Views 2 replies 0 kudos data privacy real user monitoring user sessions
Resolved! Is the cookie of RUM saved for each domain? And Is there any related settings? 2543 Views 2 replies 0 kudos real user monitoring user actions user sessions
Resolved! Dynatrace User session streaming to elastic search 3160 Views 3 replies 0 kudos user sessions
Resolved! Can We instrument/monitor a native Mobile Application on "Dynatrace SaaS or Managed" when it comes to "Smart TV" ? 3667 Views 4 replies 0 kudos mobile monitoring
Resolved! Which of the Real User Monitoring timeseries API calls work for mobile? 5288 Views 8 replies 0 kudos dynatrace api mobile monitoring real user monitoring
Resolved! RUM injection when application is served by nginx + varnish + apache 3740 Views 2 replies 0 kudos apache nodejs real user monitoring
Resolved! Is there a way to monitor 3rd party mobile applications (iOS/Android) using Dynatrace SaaS Synthetic? 5029 Views 3 replies 2 kudos mobile monitoring
Resolved! User Tagging with XHR request payload 4647 Views 4 replies 0 kudos real user monitoring user sessions
Resolved! Any way to stream data from Dynatrace Managed to ElasticSearch like AppMon does? 2452 Views 2 replies 1 kudos real user monitoring
Resolved! Can I control JavaScript injection according to user-agent? 2464 Views 2 replies 0 kudos real user monitoring